Freedom of Relgion is it secure?
I looked at his eyes as he spoke to the congregation and could see deep within his demeanor a prospect of something that troubled him in a way that was not his usual stance or appearance. A change looming on the horizon was about to affect, not only him, but many that may face the same upheaval at a time in the Church's journey as the lack of Catholics’ attendance at Holy Mass has become a crucial onset of values, no longer appearing important.
A recent article I wrote;“Holy Mass - Too Long or Too Short” that hinged on so much Hyperbole about what many parishioners take as “this just interferes with my daily routine and why can’t the Church modernize this requirement?” is on the horizon in a real frightening manner.
It appears that the old cliche of “be careful what you ask for, you may not like what you’ll get” might very well be the future outcome of the Church of tomorrow, today! Bishops, priests, deacons, and concerned laity are in the direct targeted onslaught of a change that will forever be remembered as the “time of disillusionment” where God’s chosen must bear up under a weight of concern in an attempt to keep the flock together and present to them, not massive new changes that camouflage the real Church, but opens to all of the flock the real meaning of Christ’s Mission of a redeemed church and the actual hope of the Resurrection that he died and rose for.
Sure, change is always good, because we can grow using the past as a model to improve on and that must always fit the needs of the future generations. However, when attempting to modernize anything, we need to be careful not to discard the very reasons for our existence and the steps that brought us to where we are.
Can we create a new Deity that fits our sometimes untactful approach to satisfying the urgent needs of entertaining ourselves? Are we able to make for ourselves a Golden Calf that we can worship at will and put it away in a closet until we decide to party around it until we tire of it? When we need advice on specific problems that may bury our sense of virtue, do we call on the new INC Christian movement that parallels New-age Philosophy and call on their self-proclaimed apostles for spiritual help? (see “New-age Philosophy or Now INC Christianity”).
What is needed: Do we thank God and give Him Praise for all He never tires of giving us? Is our first thought of nurturing our faith and seeking His Will for what He wants from us uppermost in our daily walk? Does the term “Faith of our Fathers” mean anything anymore? What efforts do any of us attempt to reach out for Heaven’s Promises, exert even one minute of our busy time? Has the word Grace made an impact on very many people, ever?
These aren’t new thoughts someone decided to promulgate, rather they are the very essence of Almighty God’s decision from the beginning of time (as we know it) to share His Life and Love with us (see the “Mystery of the Church”) forever in eternity.
The look on my pastor’s face was not for himself as much as for those he was ordained to serve; as Christ came to serve. Jesus said, “when the Son of Man returns will he find any faith on the earth?” (Lk. 18:8) With the way a lot of people are thinking, it sets the stage for something that even a horror-story-writer may be terrified creating as there are always consequences to misguided adventures that may leave the reader in a trance of disbelief.
Could this become our future?