A Swift Kick in the Butt to Parents (And Invitation to Turn IT Around)
Dear Catholic friends who share a yearning for the Kingdom:
I'm often haunted (in a holy way) by an epic question: Would Jesus have taught us to pray "Thy Kingdom come" if He were not prepared to fulfill it?
While we can never presume to know the mind and workings of God, Jesus said nearly 2000 years ago: "I've come to set the earth on fire, and how I wish it were already ablaze!" (Luke 12:49) Translation: Absence of the Kingdom here and now is not God's fault. He's pouring Himself out. He's pressing in.
Thus, for those of us willing to look in the mirror, we ought to recognize the great chasm within us- between what we profess, and what we live. It's all the difference between merely praying "Thy Kingdom come," and availing ourselves to being His Answer.
Such honest soul-searching in the hearts of an increasing number of Catholics is giving birth to a movement we've called "Mass Impact." If you've been blessed, challenged, inspired or encouraged by Mass Impact, you share with us the evident signs of personal, family, parish and community revival. In this season of the Eucharist ("Thanksgiving"), we want to more fully share with you what we're about and earnestly encourage you to join us.
Our story has been told through hundreds of weekly radio programs, multi-media, events and discipleship-building endeavors.
What they’re saying.
"IGNITE was when my faith became so real and so powerful." - Cassandra Acree
"The place was just filled with the Holy Spirit! A pivot point in my spiritual life." - Bill Noltner
“One week before we were ready to sign divorce papers. Our marriage and family have been powerfully transformed. We’re now leading in our own home!” - Anonymous Couple
“It’s been a culture changer in our home.” - Edna Miklosek-Baker
“After being prayed over at your Praying With Fire Conference one of my terminally ill patients was completely healed!” - Anonymous due to HIPAA
"Mass Impact is a marvelous means for the Holy Spirit to rush into parishes and awaken the faith." - Fr. David Nuss
“Keep pressing on... keep doing what you're doing... you are building the Kingdom!" - Peter Herbeck
“Mass Impact is not another program, we’re about a way of life in Jesus Christ that is getting it done… that is actually transforming families and parishes. That’s why we’re involved. That’s why we give.” - Walt and Liz Erickson
What are we about? Our mission is not Mass Impact. Mass Impact is for the mission. We're eager to become disciples and make disciples, particularly in our homes and parishes overflowing into this world. We’re awakening believers to the simple truth that we’ve been appointed and anointed not for another program, but a way of life in Jesus Christ.
How are we different? Bishops, pastors and Catholic movement leaders enthusiastically support us because we seek to be an answer to the big question following any inspiring event or program: "Then what?"
We're doing this by providing compelling, weekly resources and opportunities for families and parishes to Live IT, that is, to Live their identity and mission as Image of the Trinity. Everything is plugged into the ongoing, “living retreat” that is liturgy. Get IT?
How is this happening? This is specifically being accomplished through an integrated strategy involving:
- Weekly LIT Gathering Guide and Episode. (GO)
- Weekly IGNITE Radio Live. (GO)
- Monthly Catholic Family Gathering. (GO)
- Parish-building. (GO)
- Spark, IGNITE and Ablaze. (GO)
- Praying with Fire Conference. (GO)
- Presence for Christmas. (GO)
- Annual Family Emmaus. (GO)
- Annual LIT Marriage Mission Retreat. (GO)
- Married Couple Challenge (GO)
- Live IT App. (GO)
- Our dynamic site MassImpact.us and Social Media. (GO)
How do we measure success? The degree to which those involved are more engaged as disciples in their homes (95%), more engaged in their parishes (91%), and more actively engaging others in their parishes (86%).
The percentages are from a recent survey. IT is working.
Our first mission: Live IT ourselves. As a Catholic, non-profit apostolate we have wonderful brothers and sisters on our board and various teams who, first and foremost-- are united in striving to Live IT ourselves, in our marriages, homes, parishes, and community.
I'm inviting you to share in our great joy of being united as missionary disciples. Join us in not simply praying “Thy Kingdom come,” but availing ourselves to being His Answer. Join us in awareness that we’ve only been blessed for one purpose: to be His Blessers.
Partner with us. The Holy Steam driving this movement are those responsive to the heart of God-- not simply in prayer, but to give what they can. For some that may be as little as $1 a month, others, $1000/month. Whatever your case, we need you. Those we hope to reach need you. This is a faith-filled, concrete way we are building the Kingdom.
Most of those involved with Mass Impact give truly remarkable testimony to what we’ve heard as children: “God can not be outdone in generosity.” We have been amazed to observe how blessings abound, nearly in direct proportion to one’s giving time, talent and treasure.
We want to Live IT corporately: Presence for Christmas. Christmas is the prime season for organizational fundraising. How many organizations do you know who are putting their best foot forward, not for their own benefit, but the benefit of another organization? We prayed about it. God spoke. And that’s exactly what we’re going to do.
We're excited about Presence for Christmas, a four-week journey into the heart of Christ's Mass. These uplifting evenings of word, witness and worship will take place the four Wednesday evenings before Christmas at St. Joan of Arc (PresenceForChristmas.com). Each evening will feature a short, moving story shared by a leader of a Catholic organization, with 100% of all donations going to their organization!
The Marian Heart of IT All. We believe there’s no work around us that surpasses the work God desires to accomplish within us. We’re seeking the heart of Our Blessed Mother, availing to God’s will and offering our fiat: “Be it done to me as you have said.” (Luke 1:38) If we all did this, truly, we would be fulfilling the Lord’s Prayer. His Kingdom will come. Please join us. Prayerfully approach Him and consider how you might be called to help us make a real impact for the Kingdom. Thank you.