Let's Stop Reducing St. Francis' Feast Day to a Pet Blessing!
I was at a recent conference and one of the speakers posed a thoughtful question: If I were to look at your bank account, would I know you were a Christian?
Consider …
Would the books and articles you read show you are a Christian?
Would the food you buy demonstrate that you are a Christian?
How about the movies and tv shows you watch?
Or the music you listen to?
Or the gifts you give to others?
The clothes you wear?
The entertainment you pursue?
The home you have?
The possessions you fill your home with?
Your activity on social media?
What you do on the weekend?
So what does your bank account say about your faith? What do your possessions say? How about the way in which you live your life? What does your life speak to others about your faith? We are all witnesses to the faith, but when we examine the details of our lives, what are we truly witnessing to?
Everything we do, buy, say, and pursue speaks to what we truly value and treasure, and a reflection of where we are in our faith-lives and relationship with God.
The question is, has God so all-consumed your life that it affects everything you are, do and have?