The Blood of the Lamb
A couple weeks ago the CCM had a pro-life rally in honor of the March for life in D.C. After an opening prayer we were all given candles and were told, “Spread the light.” As I watched people pass on the light, I began to think, our lives are a lot like those candles. God gives us life- our candle- and we are asked to spread the light we have been given. God is our eternal flame that sets our wick (life) ablaze. He asks us to spread our light (the life) we have been given (through the sacrament of Baptism), until the whole world is ablaze.
“And how I wish it were already ablaze” Luke 12:49
It was a windy night and if you wanted to keep your little flame glowing, you had to cup your hand around it. If you pulled your hand away, even for a second, the flame would flicker and reduce to an ember, but it readily leapt back to life upon the return of the barrier provided by the hand. God is much like the hand. He protects us and shields us from the evil one. When we find ourselves in a storm, all we need to do is call upon His name and He will protect us from the blustering wind and lead us through the storm. As we stray further from Him and His perfect will, our light will begin to flicker and will eventually blow out. In order to reignite, we must return to the light and rekindle our flame with His eternal burning love. Then we will once again rejoice at our renewed faith and communion with God. We must take great care not to stray too far for we may find ourselves completely enveloped in the dark.
Stay near the light; keep close to the Lord. He has all the warmth and light you shall ever need. Do not be foolish in falling for the artificial light. Learn how to distinguish between the true light and the false light or it may lure you away from the holy light, into the shadows, only to turn off when you are unsuspecting, leaving you alone, abandoned in darkness. Return to the Lord and keep close, for the enemy awaits you wandering habit. The world has wandered far from the light. We have fallen for the artificial light and have made it god. We have allowed satan to deceive us, to lure us away from the eternal flame. We have been away from the light so long, I fear we do not remember what it is like.
A flower cannot survive without sunlight, just as we cannot have life without the Father. Sadly, we do not remember what living in the light of God is like. Much less, do we desire to return to it. But we must. We must return to His loving light and in return we must reflect that light. We must remind people what it feels like, sounds like, looks like. If we do not, they may never encounter the light and, consequently, will never feel the need to return home to it.
So many people have become used to the false light. They have settled for dirt when they could have gold, but they do not care. Do not allow yourself to become like this! Fight to have the best because you are God’s children, made in His likeness. He has nothing but the best to offer His faithful children. He will give you eternal life! Always keep your light burning. The world is growing dark. It is a pile of embers, ready to be ignited; hungering for a spark to set it into a glorious inferno. Will you contribute your flame to set it ablaze?