Take a Lesson from the Prophets
“My King and I”
“Christ is King; He shall live forever”
What is a king to whom we kneel; from where shall come all that was promised from the beginning of time? It is time for me to wait upon the grandeur of one who rules, not with power and law but with love and understanding; the promise of ages!
Who is a king to which we will worship?
Where is the king to there should we bow?
The King is near on our knees we bend,
The King is here to be adored for now.
Christ is King; He shall reign forever.
A king once heard of the passing of a friend and was going to the funeral home where he knew the attention would shift to him. What will he do once he enters the room, what words will come forth from this Monarch of Eloquent Speech? He was known to have the words of comfort, peacefulness, and surety for all. Certainly today all would be raised to a level of understanding that no one else could even relate to those grieving the deceased.
His raiment is flowing let us see the glory,
His Majesty exults let us worship the Son,
His Kingdom extends to all His creatures.
Christ is King; He shall rule the world.
The time has arrived and he came into the room, not with arrays of glitter and gold, but seemingly plain and without seeking clamor. All eyes were upon him ears open for glee, and heads held high to miss not a thing. We watched as he approached the family and spouse, his arms extended to embrace the one in tears. She fell into his arms and he gently embraced with tears as well and no words were heard. Time passed quickly as he released his grasp and he turned to leave with a smile of peace.
The Father sent us a spotless Lamb,
The Glorified Son saved us from death,
The Holy Spirit endows us each with life,
Christ is King; His is the Glory.
What is a king to whom we kneel from where shall come all that was promised from the beginning of time? He is that one from the realms of time, Trinity blessed and forever to reign.
The wounds on His head shed blood at the stead,
The hole in his side where salvation comes forth,
The punctures of feet and hands are for us,
Everlasting is the Kingdom because of Jesus Christ.
RBH 2017