Here Am I Lord. Can You Take Me As I Am?
To Thy apostles You did say:
“Increase your faith and trust in Me.”
And I, doubting Thomas, did cry out,
“Lord, we do not know where you are going;
How can we know the way?
Help me understand.”
“Do you believe I keep my word,
No matter what goes wrong?
That I am with you
In the eye of your hurricane?
In troubled times?
When trials seem endless,
Are you confident I know best?
What happens when there is such despair?
When all you see is night?
Can then, can then,
Your faith stay strong?
Will you trust me night and day,
Continue to walk My Way?
Glorify My Name?”
Each one is a twin of Thomas;
Beside him in spirit,
Sharing in recognition,
Having a questioning heart.
Can doubt lead to an outcome
Brighter than uncertainty?
Is it that we have seen Him?
Touched Him?
Does it transcend rational explanation?
What can we say?
“Yes Lord, I believe;
I will follow You;
I will live the promises I claim!”