This is the Weekend
One of the problems that our Church is facing today is what some have called the “man crisis.” Most men are preoccupied with their worldly actions and often neglect their spiritual actions. They are too busy feeding themselves physically. Be it food, money, sex or other vices, being a man of the world is leading them down the road to destruction. Is this the kind of message we want to send to our families or the world?
Mark 16:15 – “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to the whole creation.” Jesus calls us to “GO” into the world and preach the gospel. Nowhere have I read or heard of Jesus saying “first you must go to an accredited college and acquire a four year degree and then you must go back and obtain a masters degree in theology before you can go out and evangelize.”
“Christians are entrusted by God with the apostolate by virtue of their Baptism and Confirmation, they have the right and duty, individually or grouped in associations, to work so that the divine message of salvation may be known and accepted by all men throughout the earth.” (CCC 900) We can't put off evangelizing and leave it up to our ordained or to the professionals. We are all called to evangelize and as men, we should be leading from the front instead of sitting off on the sidelines. We need to step into the battlefield and be spiritual warriors.
We have one job, one goal, one objective while we are on earth…to make it to heaven and to bring as many with us as we can. Females have always lead the family when it comes to religious duties and education of the children and that is beautiful, thank God for their actions but have you ever stopped to think how much of an impact would be made if men started to heed the call of God to be the priest, prophet and king of their homes. Some men already do this and are the priest, prophet and king of their families and they are the ones who are an example to the world as well as an example to other men. They are the spiritual warriors who are leading from the front.
What stops men from doing so then? Fear! Fear of being less than a man. Fear of losing their identity. Fear of looking like they are soft to others. Men have this foolish idea in their minds that to be a man you must be tough as nails inside and out. Have they ever stopped to look at the one true sign of being a man…the crucified Christ? How many so called tough guys could’ve began to do what Our Lord Jesus Christ did…none. He is the Alpha male of all Alpha males and he did it all because of one word, love. He did it because he loved us. How much do we love our families? Are we willing to sacrifice ourselves for their salvation and ours? One of the more common excuses that I hear is one that I used to use myself, “but my children are already grown up and it won’t make a difference.” I’ve since learned that it is never and I repeat NEVER too late! We can be warriors who will stand up in defense of our families and look the devil in the eye and let him know that he has to go through us before he can get to them.
Set your fears aside and trust in the Lord that he will send the Holy Spirit down upon you to guide you. Evangelization can be done in so many different ways but it must be done. To say “it is not my job” is to ignore what Christ said to the apostles and spoke to us through them. We need men to be the leaders, protectors and providers of their homes and also to be that shining light, that example to the world and to other men. Feed yourself spiritually. Read more scripture, pray the holy rosary, spend time with Our Lord in adoration or attend a Catholic men’s group. There are so many ways that we can feed ourselves spiritually. May St. Joseph intercede on our behalf and may God help us to do his will and not ours. Isaiah 41:10 – “fear not, for I am with you, be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my victorious right hand.”