We are in a War of Principalities
Into the woods one day they went, to find and cut down a mighty tree,
To what purpose would this giant serve, as they dragged it away to build.
Reflecting on trees and the season we enter,
My thoughts went to Christ and where He was born,
This manger now built, once a mighty tree, became the result of mans’ crafty efforts.
Further my mind began to envision the shepherds who watched in awe and peace,
The setting now stated a joy so great the mighty tree cut down would forever be known.
From its shade to its shelter our lives would change,
As each year we remember no place for the child.
Then the tree opened its branches to embrace God’s Son, and accomplished it all with everlasting love.
Now thoughts turned to another great tree; Known always by us as the mighty Dogwood.
It too was cut and dragged away, formed and built by mans’ crafty hands.
The scene changed not-as-many looked on, the crowd being large was very unruly.
Not in peace did they come, as the shepherds had shown, just yelling obscenities in great distaste.
How well mans’ craft did build so lofty, from a tree so high that forever would reign.
It now stands tall, living forever, a tree made humble for its role of scorn.
Can this tree ever live in the forest with honor? Yes the tree now stands lofty and strong!
From its role comes the gift that paid the ransom, holding our Lord who brings us Redemption.
RBH, December 18, 1998