The People Who Come to Mind: Pray for Them
Mary...she's someone we all can learn from and have a relationship with. She is faithful, virtuous, humble, pure, unstained by sin, and possesses a servant’s heart. When I read the passages about Mary’s Immaculate Conception, I am completely struck by three of her shining characteristics:
Mary had the greatest honor given to any woman: to give birth to and be the mother of Jesus Christ, Savior of the world. She was the woman of all women. The mother of God. Chosen by Him for a special task. She is also our spiritual mother.
Mary knew she was blessed. She saw God’s goodness to her, but never put herself on a pedestal. Instead, she gave all the glory to God by praising Him, trusting in His holy will, and taking on the role of an obedient servant by doing everything God asked of her.
We’re like Mary too. God calls each of us to something special. We have our chance to say “yes” to His will, embrace it, and serve Him. We, like Mary, can bring Christ to the world in our own unique way.
Each Advent takes on a different focus for me, and this Advent, the Holy Spirit is prompting me to be centered on Mary. I want to learn more about this amazing woman and try to emulate her qualities more fully in my own life, especially saying “yes” to the calls God asks of me each day, praising God for his blessings and giving Him glory for His goodness, and developing a servant’s heart in my day to day work.
Take the 'Mary Challenge' this Advent: learn about her, grow more of her qualities, and go bring Christ to the world.