Who is That Looking at Me?
Recently at Our Lady of Guadalupe's Feast celebration---Mary’s Presence was so strong all during Mass!! Going up for Communion and then afterwards, the Holy Spirit Presence was also very evident in the way He manifests His power. As I knelt to pray, Jesus within me, a message came in personal tongues to my spirit. (I know from experience –that the message given would come interpreted by the next day.)
Then, after Mass, I knelt in front of Our Lady of Guadalupe’s picture to pray. I received the physical manifestations of a hard contraction along with the back pain. This was the first time back pain came with the contractions. I have had four children by natural child birth so I knew---the back pain indicates the beginning of the second stage of labor prior to the coming of the baby. In my heart then, I heard these simple words.
"The Labor has begun."
My prayer then was to ask Mary to help me pray in a stronger deeper love for all of mankind. She is honoring that request as I am being pulled more and more to away from worldly distractions and to that special time with God.
The next morning, during my quiet time, I was reminded that God and Mary’s Presence was so strong for during the Mass I EXPECTED them to be there!! I was open, and listening, waiting, and fully into the liturgy of the Mass. I chose to be empty of all distractions, so much so, I could not help but be filled with strong peace, trust and surrender.
"Now" God and Mary both are telling me---"practice this state of mind in your daily life---do not let the daily concerns get in Our way of being present in your life everyday!"
Dear ones, learn what lukewarm behavior will do. Ask the Holy Spirit to build a fire in your soul to love God more and more. You know that our world grows darker daily! You know how Mary has been pleading for years now—over 100, for us to pray for this world. And even before that God through Scripture has told us not to ‘sleep’ for the devil waits to PUT US TO THE TEST.’ Do not grow weary of the race or the task of laboring in the fields.
Let us labor even harder to bring all those in need before God’s throne of Mercy and Love, while we still can. Let us pray especially for those who have no one to pray for them. Let us pray Mary’s prayer---“Oh My Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell. Lead all souls to Heaven, especially those most in need of Thy mercy. Amen.”
Thank you for remembering all families everywhere who are in need of our prayers. All are in need, somehow--some way, of God’s help.
I do believe that Mary and Jesus would say “AMEN” to that truth.
I do hope you do believe that God speaks to our hearts and Mary too. I was told to write a book about the many times They have spoken to me over the years and just how They do speak to us daily. “Hi, It’s Me God” (Walking and Talking with God) can be obtained by sending a request to Bethana2009@gmail.com