God Sends Workers into the Harvest Field
“And the way of the Lord came to him.”
A vision of the future,
An inward vision, the divine vision,
the hope of mankind.
Once hidden, but now eyes opened to see.
A new heaven, a new earth:
A place where righteousness reigns;
Justice and peace shall kiss;
The fierce proud lion is tamed;
Iron-fisted man’s hand is stretched out to alleviate suffering.
Isaiah waited; Martin Luther King waited; we wait.
Our Advent vision in this non-listening world is to take up the mantle of change.
How to bring the vision of the dream to life?
How to make every valley exalted?
How to judge every child every child not by the color of their skin but by the content of
Their character?
Speak Lord, all God’s children wait to see the glory of the Lord revealed.
“Now is the time.”