Go Gently into 2023, like Mary
Make me an instrument of your Joy, O Lord
Where there is despair, let me bring gladness
Where there is no hope, let me share the good news
Where there is anger, let me soften hearts
Where there is sorrow, let me offer comfort
Where there are cries, let me come rejoicing
Where there is darkness, let me bring light
For you have filled me with Joy
A Joy that is everlasting
A Joy that fulfills every longing of my heart
A Joy that knows true love exists in only You
A Joy that fills me with a passionate flame to serve
A Joy that is burning to share with others
A Joy that is eternal
Make me an instrument of your Joy, O Lord
So that others may come to know and be filled with Joy
[Inspired and adapted from the Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi]