Joseph, the Man We Lost To History, but So Desperately Need Now
Having too much of many things are bad for us. Moderation is good. That is, until it comes to love. There can never be too much. The best we can do is to be filled with love. If we moderate love, we are limiting love. We either do so by introducing evil or with indifference to love. Introducing evil is obviously bad, but too many times, we do not see how indifference is so bad.
When we are indifferent to something, we show that we really do not care. If we are indifferent to speeding, we do not care if we or others speed. If we are indifferent to smoking, we do not care if we or others smoke. But if we are indifferent to love, we do not care if we or others love or hate. It is especially through indifference to love that evil is allowed to fester and grow. Think of the Holocaust. Many were complicit, not because they hated the Jews, but because they were indifferent. Love would have demanded that they stood up for their fellow man.
So let’s not limit God. Wait, God? Yes, God who is Love. (1 John 4:8) If we cannot have too much love, then we cannot have too much God. Sure, there may be those who believe God is not what He is. They see rules. They see restrictions on human happiness. But not so! They are rules for love. To be true to love, we must be true to God, who is Love. If we want love to be first in our life, then God must be first in our life. We must not use His name to swear and we must commit to time with Him.
Love is not just concerned with how we treat it, but by how we share it and so the rest of the commandments stem from how we share love. Many wonder why some of the Church’s teachings are so stringent. Why not sex before marriage and other restrictions? It is precisely because of love that the Church teaches such things and has so many rules. The rules are there to show us the rules of love. Oh, how many hardships we see in our lives and others because we did not adhere to the rules of love.
Our religion is about love, because our religion is centered on the One who is Love, God. We cannot have too much love. We cannot have too much God and we cannot have too much religion rooted in the God that is love.
Jesus, You formed us out of love and You taught the ways of love for 3 years before showing the depths of Your love on the Cross. Help us. Teach us the ways of love and shower us in the depths of Your love.