SLOW DOWN! You will never meet the infant king running so fast.
Human dignity belongs to humanity, each and every human. If we deny it to anyone, we have attacked human dignity itself, not just the person(s). Human rights come from human dignity. Your right to free speech and freedom of religion stem from human dignity. Human dignity, and thus human rights, is afforded to all humankind.
Location, age, race, sex, religion, or disability do not affect human dignity. Indeed, they are just descriptors. I wish to highlight those that seem the most disrobed of their human dignity at this time in history. Those within the womb. Laws, both here and abroad, disregard their humanity and treat them as property that can be killed and discarded. They may be small and new, but size and age do nothing to undermine their humanity.
At the moment of conception, there is a living human being. Small, but still a living human. Wanted or not does not change anything. One woman cannot be pregnant with a child while another is pregnant with a lump of tissue. I am saddened that such a vast class of humans, that we all were once a part of, can lose their status as human. No one is subhuman. Eugenics, slavery, and other attacks on human dignity have all been fought and defeated. This attack will be no different. Truth and love will win. Love for all humankind.
Jesus, help us to defend human dignity for by doing so, we are defending others and loving others as you instructed us.
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness … whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it.” – [Declaration of Independence preamble]