Who are you taking with you?
The Trinity is supremely awesome. Three Persons, but one God. Where you find one Person of the Trinity, you find the others. As Jesus said, “Whoever has seen me has seen the Father.” – [John 14:9] He even goes so far as to say, “I am in the Father and the Father is in me.” – [John 14:11] You see, the Trinity is inseparable.
So, what unites them? What keeps them inseparable? I would say Love. Not just any love, though, but self-giving love. They give Themselves completely to the Others. And none of Them lack anything because They all give perfectly and as such receive as well. It is a never-ending flow of love, All willing to give everything They have to the Others.
This Trinity was the first ever family. There is the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit which has been referred to as the love between the Father and Son so perfect to be its own Person. The Father loves the Son and loves the Love He has for the Son, and loves the Love the Son has for Him. Similarly, it is with the Son. The Holy Spirit receives and gives love likewise. It is a perfect relationship of love!
So, how do we come into this? Well when you have such a great love, wouldn’t it be great to love more, as in more persons? Hence, we were created. As the old Baltimore Catechism says, we were made to “know [God], to love Him, and to serve Him in this world, and to be happy with Him forever in Heaven.” We are to join in this awesome love relationship. Not that we become God, but that we enter into a love relationship with God.
Still, how are we able to be part of this love relationship? In one sense, we come into it because Jesus is the spouse of the Church. Would Jesus, who gives Himself and all that He has completely to the Father and the Spirit, keep anything from them? In that regard, we must give ourselves completely to Jesus, so as to be given completely into the love of the Trinity.
Jesus became man to accomplish this. He died on the cross in a complete gift to the Father and us..... AND US! He gave Himself completely to us as He gave Himself completely to the Father in and through the Spirit. Now, we must choose whether we accept this gift. Not just in an acknowledgement of the gift, but to continually receive the gift, we must give ourselves completely. We must let the never-ending flow of love go through us. If we do not give of ourselves completely, we do not receive completely. It is difficult, but Jesus shows us what lies on the other side of such a gift - Resurrection to a new and glorious life in Heaven.
Jesus, help us to give ourselves completely to You that You may give us completely to Your Father and Your Holy Spirit.