Blessed Is the One who Read, Who Listen and Who Heeds.
“Well, your blood pressure is up, you are tired and fatiqued. I am concerned about your heart as you are carrying around too much weight. Not to mentioned the damage your stressful lifestyle and that weight is doing to your knees and joints. Here is what I want to to start taking daily”
Looking at the prescription, the first knee jerk reaction is, “What kind of Prescription is THIS???
You want me to ”Read Psalm 23 slowly, out loud three times and repeat three times a day for three days. Then read it even slower two times and do this for two days. Finally, it is to be read daily first thing in the morning forever as preventive therapy?”
“Hey just what kind of Doctor are you?”
“I AM the PHYSICIAN who will heal you. Do you want to be well?”
“Who doesn’t want to be well? But where is a pill that take care of what ails me? I am not sure you are the right Doctor for me.”
“A pill will not set you free from your fears, anger, resentment and confusion. This is what your really need to do. Do as you are told, choose to obey so you can live, and see me again next week—or sooner whenever you need Me. I may not be the Doctor you wanted, but I am the Shepherd you really need that will protect and heal you. Oh, and one more thing, smile more then you frown. I really like your smiling face.”