Isn’t it amazing that as we daily work hard to climb our mountain of resolve and commitment to accomplish a goal, that one slip up---and whoosh ---down that slippery slope we go?
Like being on that wagon and carefully striving not to slip off---but allow one “oh it won’t matter moment” and bam---off we go into a big binge puddle.
Have you ever noticed then ---how hard it is to get back on that determined journey to stay with the task of ‘being focused’ and accomplishing what you set out to do? Guilt, anger, frustration----those emotions that can hang around and get you down---and only add to the pot holes on the road of life. Depression can set in too and just make you want to give up!
What now---where do you go from here?? Holy Spirit send us wisdom for we need to KNOW---“Don't worry, be happy, everything gonna be alright.”
How? We receive forgiveness as soon as we ask. We receive that grace to repent and go again, as soon as we ask. We receive the strength of God to help us---as soon as we ask.
Without taking one step going forward ----we are given all we need to GO FORWARD again---as soon as we ask. Even the DESIRE to be recommitted, renewed and motivated once more---the desire to do-- is for the asking! And, because GOD promises to give when we seek ----that desire too will be there!
So you fell down---Jesus did too!! As we begin another Lenten journey---let us journey closely along with Him that Way of the daily Crosses we all carry. Let us remember “I am with you always ---and I carry that cross for you ----if you ask!”
Why don’t we imagine the Presence of God as that cell phone we all are clinging close to now a day? Why don’t we silently imagine touching the invisible screen with a prayer of “HELP God HELP” and know Help is not ON the way ---but Help is there---if we ask. Hmm---wonder if there is an ‘app’ that when you touch it comes back with big letters---“LOOK AT MY FACE, AND KNOW, I AM WITH YOU!”
The Bible has all the answers we really need, not Alexa. This Lent—turn off that cell phone—tell people to text you in EMERGENCIES ONLY! You didn’t know that your cell phone is as addicting as alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, foods, caffeine or sugars—did you? And, as is proven by the news---it can be very deadly and toxic to your life to use.
Try going ONE DAY without your phone and learn how hard the journey is to recovery for any addict. As you fast from ‘whatever’this Lent---pray for those who struggle just as you. We are all poor souls, here on earth and in Purgatory. We need your prayers.
Jesus have mercy on us for we have sinned again ---but our golden calf just doesn’t look like one does it? I bet you didn’t know that you suffer from an addiction ---did you? Well the road to recovery waits---when you first admit you do.