Death is Not Natural
Recently I was waiting in the examination room at the doctor’s office. I don’t really like the fact that I now can utter the phrase, “My cardiologist told me…” I guess having a doctor who I can describe as “My cardiologist” is just another sign of getting old. At least I am yet unable to say, “My oncologist told me…”
Anyway, while waiting for my cardiologist to come into the exam room, I looked at the various posters and medical illustrations on the wall. I’ve learned more than I want to know about the human body in recent months. For example, the human heart is actually two separate pumps connected to each other. The first pump draws blood from the various parts of the body and pushes it to the lungs, where carbon dioxide is removed and oxygen is added. Then the second pump draws this newly oxygenated blood from the lungs and pushes it out to the body, via a complicated distribution network known as the interstate highway system. No wait, I mean the circulatory system.
As I gazed at those medical posters, which showed the human heart and the complex circulatory system, a question popped into my head: How can a doctor possibly be an atheist?
Just think about it. The human body is such a complicated, intricate, precision machine, it is impossible to think it all came into existence by accident. But of course, coming into existence by accident is exactly what atheism teaches. The belief is this: billions of years ago chemicals were randomly swirling around, just following the laws of physics. One day a group of chemicals accidently formed into a self-replicating organism. Then, over the course of millions and millions of years, these organisms mutated (a fancy word for additional accidents) into more and more complicated organisms. Then, eventually, after all these zillions of accidents occurred, the end result was such diverse and intricate creatures as a rose bush, a humming bird, and Donna Reed.
No, really. Atheism truly believes that all life on earth came into existence through purely random, accidental, unplanned, and unguided natural processes. However, experience and common sense tell us that complicated, intricate things exist only when planning and intelligence and guidance are involved. If that’s true for relatively simple items, like lawn mowers and cuckoo clocks, how much more is it true for extremely complex items, like the circulatory system or the human brain?
By the way, although atheism is often presented as rational and scientific, it is actually a belief system based on blind faith. There simply is no scientific evidence that explains how non-living chemicals could have become complex self-replicating organisms in the first place. That notion is accepted blindly because it allows atheists to dismiss the one thing they hate to consider: the existence of God.
That’s right, atheism is nothing more than an anti-God religious belief system, with no scientific facts to back it up. I should know, because I was an atheist for many years.
So, as I observed in the medical examination room: How can a doctor possibly be an atheist? The same question can be asked about computer programmers, who understand that complex software code is similar, but not nearly as intricate, as the DNA molecules in every living cell.
Anyone who has ever created anything knows how difficult it is to bring multiple components together in the exact precise manner. Therefore, how can a carpenter possibly be an atheist? How can a writer possibly be an atheist? How can an auto mechanic possibly be an atheist? How can a pastry chef possibly be an atheist?
I’m not thrilled that I now make regular visits to “my cardiologist.” But at least the posters on his wall remind me that the Creator’s “eternal power and divinity can be understood by what He has made” (Romans 1:20).