GONE!! Oh Too Soon!
Sometimes, when the Gospel is read, or when I read the daily readings at home; something said or read jumps out and hits me. I think, wow, wouldn't that be a great approach for a reflection to share.
As I write this, the reading today was from Gospel of Mark 2 v 18-22 but it was the last part that was the eye opener for me.
“No one sews a piece of unshrunken cloth on an old cloak.
If he does, its fullness pulls away,
the new from the old, and the tear gets worse.
Likewise, no one pours new wine into old wineskins.
Otherwise, the wine will burst the skins,
and both the wine and the skins are ruined.
Rather, new wine is poured into fresh wineskins.”
We are supposed to be the vessel that carries within us---the living Presence of Jesus. We are His temple or in this case the wineskin that the new wine has been poured into. I know that in my case there has been plenty of times that my fleshly wineskin leaked out God’s goodness and grace as I poked on others and got poked on by good ole humaness and this busy body person came away from the day with holes in her.
Offended by remarks, upset over situations, worried or frustrated with events or circumstances of the world around---you know all that pokes you and rubs you the wrong way, leaving gaps sometimes in that protective skin that is supposed to keep ‘bacteria’ out. Sometimes it is the pressures of life that causes the bed sores as we sit too long in apathy or anger and have a ‘breakdown’ of our skin leaving stages that deteriorate quickly if our destructive behavior continues. (anyone tell I am a nurse?)
Needless to say when it comes time to pass around the love of Jesus, His mercy and compassion to others we may find that ‘ain’t none to be had’ for His sweet spirit has gone. Somewhere a steady leaking out occurred as your day went by.
Solution, a prayer each morning, “Lord, You know how human I am, so please touch me and heal me, as I seek forgiveness when life pokes at me. Keep my heart from leaking out Your grace, keep all in place—my soul one with You. And may the Holy Spirit be the one poking at me to remind me—that a hole has been detected, turn away from the danger and pray.”