Elevator Grateful
They say, "There are none so blind as those who will not see", and I suppose this applies to many people throughout the ages. We are all set in our ways and believe what we have convinced ourselves to believe, often with no proof or logic but just prejudice, and that is that.
"Then some of the scribes and Pharisees said to Him, “Teacher, we want to see a sign from You.” Jesus replied, "A wicked and adulterous generation demands a sign, but none will be given it except the sign of the prophet Jonah." (Matthew 12:38 onwards).
"On account of this, the Jews demanded, “What sign can You show us to prove Your authority to do these things?” Jesus answered, "Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up again". (John 2:18 onwards).
"So they asked Him, “What sign then will You perform, so that we may see it and believe You? What will You do?" (John 6:30 onwards).
The Jews believed that Christ was a political leader sent to rid their land from the occupying Romans. Despite all His teaching and preaching, despite their witnessing His many miracles, and hearing Him claim several times that He is the Son of God, they still asked for a sign so that they may believe.
The arrival of Jesus on earth had been predicted several times years before by the many prophets, and written about in the many documents of the Jews; and now that He was amongst them, God made man, God visiting this earth so that they may see Him, hear Him, and speak to Him; they were still asking for a sign.
But is it not just the same these days with many of us? Are we still not asking for a sign before we believe?
Let us look at some of the signs around us.
We have a universe full of planets, stars and other heavenly bodies all going round in an orderly fashion rather than haphazardly like a ball in a pinball machine.
We have plants and flowers and trees that grow from seeds, provide us with flowers and fruits, and reproducing year after year.
We have all sorts of animals, birds and fish as well as humans, all intricate in their make-up and all living their lives, reproducing and dying one generation after the next.
Are all these not signs of some order by Someone somewhere with a plan that is being fulfilled? Or did it all just happen by accident and all the intricate bits that make life fell into place accidentally like a jigsaw puzzle that makes itself?
There are signs all around us everyday; but many fail to see them.
Without needing to be a believer, without needing to read the Bible, anyone looking at life with an impartial eye, with no prejudice or pre-conceived opinions and points of view, cannot fail to see how much order there is around us. From the planets and stars in the universe, to the smallest blade of grass that grows. Every thing is worked out orderly and according to a masterly blueprint plan. Not by accident. But part of a blueprint plan.
Is that enough of a sign for you? It is for me!