For some wonderful reason this past Holy Week, I was made very aware of the treasure that we have in Catholic Faith. My eyes were also opened up to the fact that had my parents not raised me in the faith---I would never have been blessed with the gift of our Church and all that she teaches and embraces.
This awareness opened my mind to what happens when parents do not share their faith by example and and by teaching their children all about God. The answer to that came to me in a most unusual way. I was asked by my co-host of "It's Me God," to listen to some rap music by a person known as Eminem. "Really Carl," I thought--"I am a 70 year old Grandma who has the least bit of interest in rap music." But, the Holy Spirit is also my co-host and I am led to "LISTEN."
I did listen and my eyes were opened to the world of those who were not raised by example or taught anything about God. According to Eminem's songs, life without God/goodness/love is pretty much (in his use of language) "fucked up". This young man was really one messed up person, but still striving really hard to rise above that life for his daughter's sake. He was an addict for 5 years, as most in that lifestyle are; and he almost died from an overdose. This experience led him to write a song "Arose" that tells what it is like to have died, and what life would be like for those they leave behind. So, needless to say--we did a podcast show on how God used this man. Here is the link if you want to listen.
God knew what He was doing in asking me to speak for this 'man in the ditch' that life had beaten up and left for dead. God wanted me to remember the role of the Good Samariton and how we must not pass by folks that we see as disgusting and repulsive. God also wanted me to understand why our society today is full of very angry and discontented people---"they do not know God." So, dear people do not give up doing the good you do and serving God as you do--for the laborers are few and that field as you know by what the media tells us---is so in need of being harvested! You know what happens when it is not harvested---rot and decay where the food lays.
More than that though, was the fact that God really wanted me to be very aware of the priceless gift I had been given by my parents--in the way they lived, loved, served and taught me about God. I was sent to Catholic schools all the way through high school and am so grateful that I was. Just like Jesus had parents chosen by God for him---you, Mom and Dad, were carefully chosen by God for me. Thank you, and I do hope you are thoroughly enjoying your eternal rewards.
God is so good ---but our children will not know this UNLESS we live our faith, love as Jesus loves, and be that Bible for them. Oh and don't forget to take them to church and pray with them everyday! Go forth among your family and among the people ---we are all called to be the hands, feet, and heart of God. Spread that Good News that each and everyone is a special gift from God! Each and every person is worthy to be loved and understood and forgiven--if we don't do our part--hate and anger will continue to rule. God needs you to be the gift --- He needs you to come and listen and hear Him speak to YOU every moment of the day!