Procrastination is a pattern of failure through which the essential Christ-focus can be lost.
There was a strategy meeting in hell, the story goes, and Satan asked his demons to brainstorm about how to accelerate the ruination of souls on earth. One demon suggested tempting people to believe there is no heaven. That idea was rejected because everyone knows that good must have its reward, A second demon suggested tempting people to believe there is no hell. That too was rejected because everyone who experiences guilt expects punishment. A third demon suggested that humans be tempted to believe that there is no hurry. This would allow fleeting graces to pass unused; inspirations would not be acted upon, and souls would thus wither spiritually and be easily seduced. Of course, this strategy was unanimously accepted. Today it is one of the most formidable in the devil’s armamentarium.
Our response to the urgings of grace must be timely - that is, we must act within the optimum time frame that is often delineated by a special providence of God. “As long as it is day we must do the work of him who sent me,” said Jesus. “Night is coming when no man can work” (Jn 9:4).
Delay, or procrastination, is the archenemy of grace. It aborts the flow of grace through all kinds of distractions: worldly entanglements – “I have just bought a field, and I must go see it” (Lk 9:61); suspended belief – “We’ll hear you later about this,” as the Athenians told Paul (Acts 17:32); personal convenience – “When I find it convenient, I will send for you,” said Governor Felix, to sidestep Paul’s witnessing (Acts 24:25).
A boy missed his bus and started running after it but finally gave up. A passerby asked, “What’s the matter, son? Couldn’t you run fast enough?” “Oh yes,” the boy replied. “I just didn’t start soon enough!” If we procrastinate, we too will be left behind in the dust. Grace is delayed is grace lost.
This excerpt is from the book The Art of Loving God by John H. Hampsch, C.M.F., originally published by Servant Publications, 1995. This and other of Fr. Hampsch's books and audio/visual materials can be purchased from Claretian Teaching Ministry, 20610 Manhattan Pl, #120, Torrance, CA 90501-1863. Phone 1-310-782-6408.