Let us start with 'Barren Elizabeth.' We all should know her from the Bible readings of Luke Chapter 1:36--And behold, Elizabeth, your relative, has also conceived* a son in her old age, and this is the sixth month for her who was called barren;
Now every time I hear that Scripture read, I, 70 year old Elizabeth, think--"What are You up to God? Me, with child?"
But, as you know ----sometimes there can be different meanings or messages hidden in a Scripture reading. Barren also means ---not able to reproduce or non-productive. How many of you, who are older, have disabilities, or illnesses, feel like--"This is it, I am no longer able to do what I "yooster." Aha, YOU are a Barren Elizabeth.
Now for those DRY BONES. This reading, message was sent to me last night as I prayed with a dear friend. First in my mind, I am hearing the song--"Hear Oh, Lord the sound of my voice, hear Oh Lord and answer me."
Then I look at where the Bible has opened and it is to the story about them ole dry bones. Instantly, I see the connection to my present health situation to those ole DRY BONES. They are unable to do anything but lie there--no life in them at all. Side effects of a new medicine had me feeling so weak that 'dry bones' was how I felt. Now Ezekiel was told----"Say to them--Dry Bones HEAR THE WORD OF the LORD." "I will bring SPIRIT into you."
Again, this is just WHAT we are to do--when, we feel dead in our spirit--lacking hope and vision! WE are to speak the WORD of God into our life. Speak to whatever we are dealing with and SAY ---"Not what I think or feel, but WHAT GOD has spoken to me in HIS WORD! He keeps His Promises! Come Holy Spirit into my being and bring me new life!
For the Holy Spirit to do this, we now have to look at our HABITS that we put on each day. The monks and nuns put on habits as their clothing or daily attire. Those habits they wear separate them, set them apart from the world. So, carefully look at what you do, what you wear, and the way you think and respond to others---which of your daily habits or actions are those you need to CONTINUE to 'put on?' Which of them are of the world, done with a wrong 'have to do' attitude, and do not bring you peace and contentment? Which of our daily habits lead us to believe and know that our heart is in the right place? Take a long hard look at those habits that cloak your life.
So, therefore let us not REST until the Spirit of God dwells in those dry barren bones of our mind, spirit and heart. Time to draw away to pray, reflect and change what needs to be changed in our mind and habits. Pray for guidance as you choose to see with eyes of faith and your mind set on the WAYS and Words of God. If we are barren, dead and dried up----perhaps it is because we choose to see that and speak those "words" into life. OUCH!!
I am sharing one last confirmation from God with His sense of humor. This morning, I was noticing my VISION was worse, and my eyes aching, I thought from medicine's side effect. At one point I took off my glasses and saw why---the lenses were dirty and therefore, I could NOT SEE CLEARLY! "Just how your vision is blurred by the way you see through your mind eyes." Always present---God always knows how to make me SEE things HIS Way.
Beloved, we walk by faith and not by sight--Peace be with you always! That my friends is, again, when we choose to be 'stayed' on Jesus.