The Spirit of John the Baptist
Are You living a leaven or unleavened life?
Since ancient times yeast has been used to “puff up” dough making it rise from a flat mound into airy, light bread. Israelites, told by God to leave Egypt quickly, brought their unleavened bread with them as they fled from Pharaoh. Their Feast of Passover remembers the order from God. In conjunction Israel added The Feast of Unleavened Bread, focusing on the Lord: Israel’s relationship to Him as well as their responsibilities to Him as His people.
Jesus too, speaks of the leaven of hypocrisy and pride of the Pharisees. He warns: “Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees.”( Lk12:1). Jesus, the “unleavened Savior”, in His sinless life, the one without blemish or defect was lying buried in a borrowed tomb as Israel was celebrating The Feast of Unleavened Bread and Passover.
Christ’s life exemplifying purity, godliness, is His will for us to follow. He wants each one to remember one’s past evil actions, leave them quickly behind through confession and put on the “new life” He gives through Baptism.
The yeast one adds to our soft, doughy bodies is the hidden influences brought into our lives, which make one an actor to the world. It is the ego “I” who “puffs up” our bodies, allowing one to show a “better appearance” to the world, much like the “false acts” of the Pharisees.
This is the struggle as”…a little leaven leavens the whole lump of dough.” (1Cor5:6). Leaving behind the “old leaven” of pride, arrogance, becoming a life of truth, a life open to integrity and honesty, looking forward to being united to Christ as a true child of God, makes a true Feast of Unleavened Living.
The question is: Which life do I choose to live?