Understanding God in a World of Mystical Turmoil.
No, you may not be baptized here since your parents are not members and we do not know if they are practicing Catholics. Sorry, we have enough people already performing this ministry and we do not need anyone else to fill that position. What? you want us to bury your Father who never puts any money into the collection basket. We have plenty of parishioners who always pay their way and those we shall consider part of the faithful flock.
These of course are harsh criticisms towards many who perhaps do not consider the church until a Sacrament approaches or the final day of a life ends and the need for a funeral arrives. How shall we look upon or differentiate between the faithful attendees and those who may show up to get ashes, or throats blessed? Christmas Masses are filled to overflowing and usually most are the once-in-a-while registered parishioners.
To be sure, these once-in-a-while Catholics are the reason for the doors of the church to be open and welcoming, the sign of the Crucifix on which hung Jesus, the Savior of the world, who died for the lost sheep, who shed His Blood to ensure that all were the ones He came for.
There is a saying that to place lighted candles in the windows represents this place, a home or church, saying; “all are welcome here”. In most cases, at the celebration of the Easter Vigil, the celebrant will welcome all those who may be in attendance after a long absence; He reminds each that this celebration is special for them since Jesus died and rose for everyone.
A Haven is identified as a port, harbor, a sheltered anchorage, safe place, or refuge. A Sanctuary is listed as a place set aside for worship, a holy place, immunity from punishment, and a refuge as well. However, it is not proper to reserve the space inside for those who never miss Mass, always place their contribution in the collection basket, and especially anyone who looks the part of a regular attendee. This could fit the term of a “Sanctuary for Saints” as if they have already arrived before the Lord.
Our church; the place for sinners, a haven for those crawling in humility, a refuge of that soul the Lord searched for as the “Hound of Heaven”. Come my child, enter into my presence where condemnation exists no longer, heads bowed in shame are not needed. You are the ones I suffered and died for, and rose from the grave to heal all your iniquities. I welcome you, not for the greatest attributes you may have, but for the very weakness that identifies you as my child.
See that small cubicle where I sit waiting for you to enter and say; “Bless me Father for I have sinned”
I will wait for your choice to seek My Love and My Mercy for you my beloved child.
“Come to me all you who are burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart; and you will find rest for yourselves. For my yoke is easy, and my burden light.” (Mt. 11: 28-30). This verse tells all that in spite of what disillusionments you may encounter, Our Church is always open for the lonely, disenfranchised, and sometimes overlooked souls that have needs, and will find rest from your heartfelt pain. Never allow any words that tend to wound, keep you from the Lord Jesus Christ and His open arms of comfort. His Church is your Sanctuary as well.
Ralph B. Hathaway May 2018