Hundreds Fill National Shrine of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton for Annual Pilgrimage for the Sea Services
The first commandment forbids idolatry and polytheism. It promotes putting God first in our lives and aligning our lives in such a way that nothing takes the place of God. Regarding this commandment the catechism says, “The first commandment forbids honoring gods other than the one Lord who has revealed himself to his people” (CCC para 2110). This commandment is important in moral decision making because it tells us what is important. We have many things such as cell phones, social media, and television that can take the place of God. This commandment tells us to make sure He stays in his proper place in our lives.
The second commandment is a prohibition against taking false oaths and debasing the holy name of YHWH. The catechism states that “Rejection of false oaths is a duty to God” (CCC para 2151). The second virtue that this commandment promotes is honestly before God and man. There are many ways in which this commandment comes into play in regard to moral decision making. One that comes to mind is our faith. Christianity is under attack in many areas of the world, and it may be tempting deny that we are Christians depending on the situation. That is a false oath, and this commandment encourages us to make the right choice and stand up for our faith.
This command tells us to keep worship of God as a priority. It is also a call to rest and remember everything the Lord has done for us. It prohibits taking advantage of the poor in our employment, and worship of money. Regarding this commandment the catechism states, “The sabbath brings everyday work to a halt and provides a respite. It is a day of protest against the servitude of work and the worship of money” (CCC para 2172). Since worship is a priority it stands to reason that we should do everything possible to attend Mass and receive the Eucharist if at all possible. This assists our decision making by reminding us of what is important. Though we may be exhausted by a hard work week, we must make the right choice and attend Mass to worship with the community.
This commandment implores us to honor our parents, but to also honor those whom God has given that authority to. This includes teachers, police officers, and government officials. The commandment prohibits abuse of our parents in the latter stages of their lives, and manipulation of authority figures for personal gain. Regarding this the catechism states, “This commandment includes and presupposes the duties of parents, instructors, teachers, leaders, magistrates, those who govern, all who exercise authority over others or over a community of persons” (CCC para 2199). This commandment helps in moral decision making by helping us remember the great gift that has been given to us. Though we may be experiencing hard financial times, it is never appropriate to take advantage of an elderly person for our own gain. We must show them the respect that God tells us ins granted to them.
Regarding this commandment the catechism states, “God alone is the Lord of life from its beginning until its end: no one can under any circumstance claim for himself the right directly to destroy an innocent human being” (CCC para 2258). This commandment prohibits the taking of an innocent life or deliberately disrespecting those around us. This commandment also tells us to protect life from the moment of conception to natural death. Therefore, the commandment helps us virtuously protect life and to preserve peace among fellow humans. This command assists in moral decision making by helping us remember that everyone is made in the image of God. Though we may be disrespected by someone, we must show them grace because they are made in that image. We must only resort to violence only if our own lives are threatened, and only as a last resort.
This command prohibits sexual activity with any person other than one’s spouse, and also any emotional connection as well. This command also extends to masturbation as it turns the sexual gift into a selfish act. It protects the dignity of the sacramental marriage, prohibits divorce, and encourages a chaste life. Regarding this command the catechism states, “They are contrary to the moral law. the sexual act must take place exclusively within marriage. Outside of marriage it always constitutes a grave sin and excludes one from sacramental communion” (CCC para 2390). This command helps us remember that our bodies, though a gift from God, are also a gift to our spouses. Our spouse may be going through a situation, such as a medical condition, that would not allow sexual activity. This reminds us that marriage is much more than sex, but a union with that one person. It reminds us that our sexuality is gift to be given freely to our spouse.
This command prohibits the unlawful taking of one’s property. Two examples are stealing physical property and intellectual property. This command tells us to treat others how we want to be treated and promotes the fair treatment of all. It also helps us to treat the poor virtuously as not to take advantage of their situation and steal the time that they have with their families. The command tells us to treat every person with dignity, and the catechism echoes this when it states, “respect for human dignity requires the practice of the virtue of temperance, so as to moderate attachment to this world's goods” (CCC para 2407). One situation that is dealt with daily is in regard to social media. Someone may post something that is insightful, but when it is posted it is now intellectual property. It is ok to share the quotation, but not ok to post it without citing who said it.
This command tells us to not be dishonest in any way. Two examples are not to lie and not to gossip. The command encourages us to be fruitful witnesses to Christ and the gospel. It also tells us to denounce hypocrisy. Regarding this the catechism states, “Since God is "true," the members of his people are called to live in the truth” (CCC para 2465). An example of how this command can be applied happens at places of employment throughout the world. When someone has a juicy piece of gossip to tell we must resist the temptation. To listen is to encourage, and the character of the person may never recover.
This command tells us to not lust after someone else’s spouse or to look for sex outside of marriage. This command encourages us to live a life of modesty and chastity. We are to be chaste in the vocation in which we are called. If we are single then we are chaste, and if married we have sexual relations with our spouse. As the catechism states, “chastity lets us love with upright and undivided heart” (CCC para 2520). This command helps us make sound moral decisions by reminding us that we are set apart as a Christian people. Temptation is all around us, and we may be attracted to someone who is married. It reminds us to respect the marriage sacrament and the dignity of the individual. They are much more than their looks.
10. You shall not covet your neighbor’s goods.
This command tells to not be envious by the material possessions that some one has, and reminds to not be greedy. The command reminds us that we are to keep God first and be thankful for the blessings that he has given us. God has given us so much and we must remember that. The catechism says it best when it states, “The economy of law and grace turns men's hearts away from avarice and envy” (CCC para 2541). This command plays out perfectly when looking at those who have been blessed with riches. Many think that since they have much they won’t miss it if we take a little. If we see them drop a $100 bill it is not okay to keep it. This command reminds us to act uprightly with our fellow man, and what is theirs is theirs. It keeps us from having bad thoughts and keeps us from breaking other commands.
Works Cited
Catechism of the Catholic Church. Doubleday Books. New York, NY: 1995. Print.
Holy Bible, New Revised Standard Version