Life As it Should Be
In preparing this reflection I needed to examine different articles and/or quotes that referred to Jesus as True Man and True God. It troubles my intellect and dedication as a follower of Christ, the Catholic Church, and a proponent of Church Tradition to hear or read what some 21st century people, who should know what the Catholic Church teaches in essence are teaching incorrectly.
Some of my past articles dealt with similar issues, but now I am going to the defense of Catholic Teaching. One criterion to back up this teaching is constant use of the “Catholic Catechism”. This publication is a must for those teaching doctrines and especially reiterating dogma.
Too often too many so-called teachers seem to think that theology is open to individual interpretation which makes the Catholic Church a free-for-all in spreading the Gospel of Christ according to their individual premises. Nothing could be further from the truth. As an example of individual interpretation on any subject, with 58 years in the electrical field, I teach Electrical Theory with the National Electrical Code as a source. It is always frustrating to hear some students say; “The National Electric Code is open to individual interpretation.” It appears that both electrical theory and Church Documentation are both under a similar attack mode. Those who teach with an accepted background in their chosen capacity usually have the credentials or at least understand them in order to teach correctly. I give credit to anyone who is trying to relate the message of the Gospel of Christ, but use caution, study and prepare in a proper mentality what you are teaching conforms to the CCC. If you are not, the student(s) may get the wrong impression of Church Doctrines and in turn pass off to others what they hear. Incorrect teaching can put some people on a slippery slope and be a poor guide about Christ’s teaching.
Jesus Christ IS God; always was and always will be. One constant misnomer that seems to be prevalent with some people’s teaching is; “Jesus didn’t know He was God, or He felt that His Mission was a failure.” If He didn’t know He was God the mission would make no sense. Therefore, the failing was that He allowed Himself to be tortured, flogged, humiliated, and crucified. For what purpose?
There are too many documented events in John’s Gospel that point to the Divinity of Jesus, and many scripture passages of the Synoptic Gospels that certainly indicate His Divinity, even if they do not directly pronounce it.
If the Son of God had not first imbedded His Spirit within Mary’s womb, then the human person, Jesus, would not be God. If Jesus had not performed many miracles (Signs in John’s Gospel) then who was this man that predicted He would suffer at the hands of men and be put to death?
Apparently, there are some in the Church, maybe even clerics, who feel that in today’s society we must be able to prove events that Jesus performed and not rely on a fairy-tale philosophy that through magic these things occurred. Was Peter walking on water a ghost-like image that really didn’t happen? When the miraculous catch of so many fish in their nets almost broke the nets, how did this occur when the disciples fished all night without a catch? There must not be everything by chance when it comes to God. If this were so, perhaps we are as Paul said; “If Christ has not been raised, then empty too is our preaching, and your faith as well.” “And if Christ has not been raised your faith is in vain.” 1 Cor. 15: 14).
As the remarks from some that have reached my ears regarding the disbelief of Jesus knowing He was God, my question is, “If these people have some insight to a new way about Christ then perhaps we are seeking a God who really doesn’t exist, the world was just a big bang with no real person (God) to create the forces that started everything. Everything then has been by chance and the Resurrection is a complete fallacy and we are the largest of fools.
These thoughts are being taught or at least suggested and herein is where Heresy begins and as in the past one charismatic personality, teaching heretically, can lead many to perdition and put souls on a very slippery path to Hell.
We have the obligation to ensure that teaching is promoted with the most astute care and the use of printed material with a Nihil Obstat and Imprimatur are in force. (declarations that a book or pamphlet is free of doctrinal or moral error).