Stop Trying to Kill Me!
Helllloooo—out there somewhere, beneath that big dark sky, under a bright yellow full moon—
there you are, and here I am, there all are and so is the great I AM.
Breathe deep beloved, breathe deep again, bring in peace and let go of ‘WHATEVER.”
Just be-- and be okay-- for God is here and all is well.
Why is all well, because we believe in One God the Father the Almighty who has made the heavens and the earth and ALL that is in it. Made all for His purpose and design and regardless of whatever any of us do to mess this up-- He just keeps rolling with the flow and without an blink of an eye, He keeps all in its proper place. Maybe His Power is a magnetic one and no matter what we do----- LOVE pulls all back into place, keeping His plan on track and His Promises fulfilled.