Holy Communion and (Catholic) Vice President Joe Biden
We, as a society, no longer believe in personal sins. Forty years ago people may have sinned, but they admitted it.
Why this is significant is because those who admitted they did wrong could be saved.
Today we don't even have the freedom to express what we believe. What those who deny sin have accomplished is what the old Communists tried to do—they have birthed a society according to their plan.
The war is won with the classic divide and conquer--first the Church Hierarchy has to be divided among different camps and then the laity will follow the new culture amid the confusion.
Where the old guard Communism has failed, the new Cultural Communism is succeeding. By “Cultural Communism” I mean that no one will oppose the state in order to live their faith fully.
Communism believes the State controls individuals. The same may be said for the Cultural Communists. That is why they will force Catholic hospitals to perform abortions or Catholic colleges to provide birth control. The Cultural Communists know that by forcing the Church to give in to its demands or at least to silence it will prove to the masses how little the Church believes what it professes.
The Cultural Communists of today have proven the “crowd mentality” coupled with rewards and penalties work far better than the jail time and eventual death squads of the old Communism.
Secular humanism shares a hatred of God with the old Communists. They use the Communist playbook to dominate. They have had stunning results in silencing their opponents so far. The dual softer punishments of isolation and ostracization have chilling results by overthrowing the Church's teachings. How did they do it?
They played on basic human sympathy to chip away at absolutes. Instead of tanks and guns, they used our own human weakness against us.
We don't want to be responsible for our evil actions. We don't like the concept of sin. Capitalizing on that, the “rights movements” took to the streets with no shame of sin attached to them. Instead they appealed to our love of freedom. Very few people tried to stop them. Not even our Church tried and instead it gave up the public pulpit. What has happened?
The concept of freedom is changed. No one is permitted to believe anything that disagrees with this culture in control of us. Those opposed to Christian virtues never surrender and they bet on our timid response.
The old Communists shot and killed those who defied them, but these tactics turned people's sympathies from the oppressor to the oppressed.
In contrast, those in charge of our social order give subtle punishments that allow society to turn a blind eye to those that fail to follow them. For example:
Don't believe in gay marriage? You're a homophobe. Want to end abortion because it kills a person before she is born, you're waging a war on women. Want to encourage people to not divorce? You're judgmental. Don't want to pay for other peoples' birth control pills in your Health Insurance policy? Go without and pay a large fine. Want to talk about your faith on social media? The account will be flagged and deleted.
It would take a Church unafraid and unapologetic-- forceful in her teachings and unrelenting in her defense of her faithful children--to reverse the trend downward into a society separated entirely from the mystical truth of God invisible.
Oppressive Communist rule eventually ended because those who believed in freedom fought a Cold War and won.
The old Communists lost power because people began to resent the limitations on their freedoms. We all want to be free because God made us free.
The new Cultural Communists define their control by the very word “freedom” and yet they smash the freedom of religious believers.
The old Cold War ended after years of struggle because a wall fell in the heart of the Communist occupation. We must split the New Culture of Control's curtain down the center between those who believe in God and those who don't. Our silence has convinced people we have given up in the face of a stronger enemy.
Yet we will rise again. We have the advantage of the Holy Spirit. We must confess our belief in Him. Soon people will know that sin exists and then they can be saved.