Does Relativism Make Any Sense?
Rod Dreher is a great political and cultural writer who has written many books (Crunchy Cons, The Benedict Option) and currently contributes to The American Conservative. He was born in 1967, raised Methodist, and as a young man in his 20s became an adult convert to the Catholic Church. He says "I was a faithful Mass-going Catholic for 13 years..."
Rod Dreher is an incredibly smart and insightful Christian. He decided to leave the Catholic Church to join the Eastern Orthodox in 2006. What was his basis for this decision?
It hurts me to say this, because I have so much respect for Rod Dreher and his writings, but say it I must: his basis for leaving the Church was rather emotional and unserious, which is shocking coming from a first rate intellect like him. For an uneducated layperson, this would be unsurprising- But for a public intellectual like Rod Dreher?
As he explained in his column, I'm still not going back to the Catholic church in 2013, he basically left the Church for two reasons: 1) he heard a lot of lame homilies that did not challenge parishoners to repent from their sins and 2) he was disgusted by the priest abuse scandal and cover up in the 2000s.
Well, if those things were enough to abandon the Church, I don't think there would be any Catholics left!
How in the world did he think those were good reasons to go into schism from full communion with the successor of St. Peter? Did he ever believe in the primacy of Peter and the Bishop of Rome, divinely instituted by our Lord? Did he change his view on what the words One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic mean? Peter either has the keys to the kingdom or he doesn't! No priest or bishop can change the intention of our Lord.
Was Rod Dreher surprised that priests could give poor homilies and that bishops are sinners?
What was new? Church history is filled with scandals: The Arian crisis! The abuse of indulgences! The entire 900s Popes! The crusades sacking Constantinople! Priests with secret wives and children!
Didn't he know about all this stuff when he decideed to become Catholic!!??
He likes the homily from his Orthodox priest better. His explanation lacks any discussion of ecclesiology or theology at all. I understand the emotions. But, Rod Dreher, are you serious?