Will You Fight?
In the past, little by little, we started to see our nation, founded by our forefathers with God as part of its foundation, starting to slip away from Him. In more recent times, it is starting to go further by leaps and bounds instead of sliding away little by little. I believe that our current society is far worse than those in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah. We have become a nation of godlessness. We are ruled, not lead, by politicians who live to serve their own agenda instead of God's, much less the people who “they” are supposed to serve. Is it any wonder why our country is considered a joke by other countries?
Politicians are going to say what you want to hear. They are going to fill your ears with all sorts of pleasantries and false promises to get you to follow them. Once people have bought into what they are selling, they become blinded by the obvious. They in a sense, sell their souls to the devil. I’ve asked Christians how they could consciously vote for a politician who stands against their Christian beliefs and supports beliefs such as being pro-choice. The answers that I received baffled me and scared me at the same time. Answers such as, “as long as they do what needs to be done, it’s none of my business” or “that is their belief not mine but they are the better qualified candidate” and “he said that he would cut taxes and provide free healthcare. If he’s willing to do that, that good should overshadow the fact that he’s for abortions!” That last statement was the one that scared me because 1. It came from a person who believes himself to be a strong devout Christian and 2. Because of how emphatic he was when he said it and how much he believed it himself. How sad that some have to look for joy, support, help and comfort from a politician.
What caused this demise in our society? Some point to money others point to power. I am not sure what the cause is. If you are in a certain age group (40 – 80), you’ve probably seen a lot of changes in our country that have made you question what is wrong with this world. Let’s take entertainment for example. I remember a time when you could turn on your television and see what was considered “wholesome” TV. Shows such as Bonanza, The Brady Bunch, My Three Sons, Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman, Good Times, to name a few. Little by little, we started to become introduced to sex on TV with shows like Dynasty and Dallas in the 80’s. Take it a little bit further into the future and the introduction of teen or young adult sexual promiscuity was introduced in the 90’s with shows like Melrose Place and Beverly Hills 90210. In the 2000’s we started to become introduced to homosexuals with shows like Will and Grace. Television now is full of promoting sex, gay marriage, lawlessness, self-serving pride, cursing and being anti-religious. Movies today are no better. As I write this article today, one of the most perverse films is being released and is being promoted as a love story. Fifty Shades of Grey is far from a love story and is pornography plain and simple. It seems that the more sex or the more violence a movie has, the more people want to see it.
There was a time when families used to gather at the dinner table and eat together and now, it is a rare occurrence when and if it takes place. I’m even guilty of not bringing my family together at the table for dinner. It may not seem like it’s that big of a deal whether we do or don’t but it should be. This is when families would gather together and give thanks to God for their day. It was the time when families would eat and share with each other how their days went. Now, the kids eat when they get home from school and when mom and dad get home, they don’t even sit down to eat together. We use the excuse of women having to work now and how the balance has been disrupted and to a point there is some truth to that statement. The balance has been disrupted in the sense that in most households across America, women do have to work. This is an area where men need to step it up, including myself. We, men, take it for granted that our wives will continue to do the housework after they get home from work while we use the excuse of “Oh today was a hard day, I just want to relax.” Wrong answer men! We need to step it up and take on some of the chores in the house and don’t give me this “well the Bible says wives, be subject to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord” because the very next line in Colossians 3:19 says: “Husbands, love your wives, and don’t be harsh with them.” Is telling your wife to be at your beck and call a way of showing love? I don’t think so. God calls us to be the leader, protector and provider of our homes. Lead by example men and lead from the front.
One of the definitions of manipulation is – to control or play upon by artful, unfair, or insidious means especially to serve one’s purpose. We are being manipulated by politicians, television executives, music moguls, corporate America among others but ultimately, we are being manipulated by the devil. God gave us the gift of free will yet so many choose to live a life of sin because it is pleasurable in the “right here right now” part of their lives. When will America choose to do what’s right by God and quit trying to play God? Our time on earth is limited, even if we were to live to be 200 years old, it is less than a microscopic grain of sand in regards to eternity which is where we will spend the rest of our eternal lives. I got tired of trying to live my life on my terms. What I thought was just fine was not and deep in my heart, I knew there was something better and someone bigger. It took me a while to get tired and give up and let Jesus take over and show me what He wanted me to do…His will, not mine. One of these days, and hopefully soon brothers and sisters, our fellow brethren who are living for the world are going to get sick and tired and will be searching for the truth, looking for an answer. Give them these words from Jesus Christ. Matthew 11:28-30 – Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”