Love in Action
Traveling upriver into the Great Lakes, we have seen many travelers, wanderers really, leaving behind their comfort zones.
Traveling into the unknown, they are much like Israelites leaving Egypt for the Promised Land. Sustained by manna, supplied by the Lord on their journey, today’s sojourners rely on fish caught in river waters and goodness of river dwellers. Hospitality is bestowed, much like the family connections offered by wandering Israelites to others of their tribe.
On our journey often, grateful prayers before meals were offered by seeming strangers. As soon as Amen was uttered, these new companions spoke of strong religious beliefs as naturally as one speaks to family.
Ending our journey, the church we attend suggested our church does not need greeters but inviters. Yes, parishioners were urged to invite someone each meet on their life journey- nurses, food handlers, postal workers, play-date moms. Everyone. Then today’s strangers would be transformed into the new converts of faith.
Everyone is looking for Jesus- to be filled with His divine life; to be filled with His promised food for all seasons. One must be invited before one can learn of God’s truths.
All are called to join the chosen-
To enter and worship in the house of the Lord.
We, the faithful, are workers of the seed,
Plowed deep in the recesses of mankind.
All are hungry, hungry for truth;
Hungry for satisfaction,
Satisfaction only Christ’s love can fill
By eating His Bread of Life.
The harvest awaits each one’s invitation.
The table of plenty is set;
The host at the door is Christ, the greeter.
Ready to sit and serve His eternal banquet.