Do You Really Believe?
I cannot remember the year this came, but I found this when cleaning out files on the computer. As we traveled in 2009/2010---to keep in touch with friends, a Sunday Sharing was started to my family and friend via email. This was one, and becuase of the recent blog about Pope Francis ---I knew that God had me FIND this, becuase it was to be shared again.
A Dancing Dream
Right before waking, I have a bird’s eye view of what appears to be Vatican Square. It was filled with cardinals in their red robes dancing in a circle, a lot of other people all dancing in circles, raising their hands clapping in rhythm to the song being sung. In the main circle of cardinals, I see one person dressed as a BRIDE. All are ecstatically happy and rejoicing. The words of the song—“We gather together as a people of God to give thanks and praise to God. We gather together as one before the Lord to praise our God.”
I even heard the melody, it is a new one to me, and that in itself is significant. The people of God are singing a new song, and are together to give God praise and the Bride is ready to be joined with the Bridegroom. I know this is a dream that is coming in to reality as I type these words.
We have a Pope who is leading us to live in LOVE and to go and share that love, and there is great change in our Church. BUT I have ADD this—this dream is not about the Catholic Church—but the PEOPLE OF GOD. Who are they? All who live in love, for God is love and if you live in love, God lives in you. That is a quote from the epistle of John. The people of God are a people who live in love!!
His coming is soon, the time is also NOW—live in love so you can be known as one of the ‘people of God’ who throughout the Bible—God has promised to deliver, protect and to love as HIS OWN as the prophecies of old are fulfilled.
I send this forth and encourage all to share to all who you know and love. To encourage, to give hope in a very troubled world, and to remind us all that there is a wondrous God Who loves us, who looks only at our wounded hearts and draws us to His love, especially through the loving actions of His People.
As I reflected on this dream, and thought of all who would say “who” are saved and the people of God—it dawned on me just why Jesus called Himself so many names.
He is the Way, the Truth, and the Light; the Good Shepherd; the Vine; the Living Waters, the Bread and the Wine of the New Covenant, just to name those I can think of now—but what I saw in His words, were ways of LOVING. I know Jesus Himself, said that to come to the Father, you must come through ME. But, was He telling us that to KNOW HIM or how to live in LOVE as He did, you will know Yahweh, Allah, the I AM, the Father, and all of these names for GOD? Was He telling us that He is and example of total surrendering love—and God will be living in your heart, as you LOVE as Jesus did? He died to self, He died for all—but more importantly, He first LIVED for all, leading by what He did.
We must stop with the emphasis on ‘how, what church, what ritual, what we profess to believe’ and focus on the ACTION of living our life as Jesus lived HIS by living in total trust in the Father, total surrender to His Will, total giving LOVE. These behaviors of love---- and not the Words we preach/teach/or proclaim to the point of invoking anger in a wounded heart—but: these behaviors will lead the way to the Truth and the Light and to oneness with the Father. HE IS COMING SOON—and no, that does not mean the END, but the BEGINNING of a new and wondrous life of living in God’s LOVE.
Be bold and spread this exciting dream, this message of God’s LOVE for if you believe in living in God’s type of love—you will have eternal life with a God of LOVE.
PS. If you need for examples on how to love—you will find in throughout the Bible. All ways of loving begin with dying to self, trusting and obeying our God of LOVE.