"I Know You"
Heavenly Father: In the Name of Jesus, by the power of His Blood and in the Authority of Your Word, we come against all idle speculations and lofty ideals that come against the knowledge of God in myself, our families and loved ones and all humans everywhere. We call down the power of darkness that is trying to control the minds and emotions of our loved ones! We loosen, bind and rebuke and cast away from them any lies, hexes, spells, curses, dealing with the occult, any false teachings, technology addictions, any addictions, and labels that have come into their lives! Included are any side effects that has attached itself to them and the side effects of all sin of others or their own that has wounded them deeply. We claim them to be totally healed and reconciled to Jesus Christ their Lord and Savior. We ask that the Blood of Jesus cleanse the family tree line 40 generations back and remove from it all sin and behaviors passed down that have caused further sickness, disability, congenital diseases and mental illness in the family. God have mercy on our family and all loved ones and all who do not know the love of God.
(atheists, agnostics, the self righteous, the poor and destitute the hungry, thirsty, homeless, jobless, ill, dying, grieving, refugees, the addicted, and those who do not know love and the end result of not receiving love.)
We give thanks to God for removing all stones and hardness that is blocking our hearts from receiving the mercy and compassion of God and His Love. We speak to what is dead within us---hopes, dreams, awareness of our worth and the knowledge that we are children of God! May we believe that we are called, chosen, blessed, broken, redeemed and given to this world for the glory of God.
We speak to you dear beloved child of God to come forth from the pits of your despair and to be fully alive in God, resurrected and walking in His plans and promises for your life. We ask that all that has kept us in bondage and in chains of anger, dementia or mental illness, bitterness, resentment, hate, fear and pride---be broken and unwrapped from our lives and hearts. We claim all to be fully alive in Christ, and baptized in His Holy Spirit, empowered by the Holy Spirit—receiving the fullness of His Gifts and anointing that God had planned for us from the beginning of our existence in the womb. May we all know that we are a child of God and proclaim this with all their hearts and soul. Amen.
Blessed Virgin Mary, poor souls in purgatory and all you Angels and Saints pray to the Lord our God for all of the family of God--- now and forever Amen. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit –as it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be world without end AMEN!