I am sure everyone can say WHOA where does time fly!!! Look at yourself in the mirror and wonder--"When did that happen?"
Every year at this time we see all the children, grandchildren heading off to school and see how they have changed oh so quickly ---and we all say---"they grew so fast! Where did the years go?"
As everyday ends now, and another week passed so quickly---it boggles my mind of how quickly it seems that time is passing by. BUT--it hit me last night ----Is it time passing by so fast or are WE passing by so fast? You see we are all travelers on a unique 'space vehicle' or Mother Earth. From the rising of the sun to the setting of the same---it is the earth not the sun that is moving. Moving at a speed of 1037 miles per hour. THAT's right the earth is spinning on its axis ---1037 miles per hour.
"Earth's spin is constant, but the speed depends on what latitude you are located at. Here's an example. The circumference (distance around the largest part of the Earth) is roughly 24,898 miles (40,070 kilometers), according to NASA. (This area is also called the equator.) If you estimate that a day is 24 hours long, you divide the circumference by the length of the day. This produces a speed at the equator of about 1,037 mph (1,670 km/h)." quote from Space.com
Why don't we feel this speed? Because of gravity and being firmly planted on our spot where we stand---we do not sense this 'ride' we are on. Just as we do not feel the 70 miles an hour riding in a car unless the windows are open.
The realization that at this very moment we are going 1037 miles per hour---should boggle all of our minds. And even more awesome is the fact we are all travelers on a "Mother Space Ship," like no other. All the species of plants, animals, insects, birds, trees, all put where they are for the support of each other. The provisions of water, food and perfect balance of changes of the seasons, ----all designed to keep this space ship ever providing a home for its inhabitants.
Now if only we can keep at bay all that is trying to destroy the earth so we can keep on enjoying this awesome RIDE we are on. Come on everybody---DO YOUR PART!! Clean up your mess, pick up after yourself, and BE KIND to your fellow travelers---or this ride will not go on forever. The Mother Space Ship ---yes she will continue to travel at 1037 miles per hour---But will she be found a ghost ship with nothing but the tiny pests and rodents scurry around til there is no more decay to be found?
Not if you have read the whole story!!
Just as in the days of Noah---we shall find that we must be one of those who are faithful to the Designer'a plan so we too will be aboard this Mother ARK when Another Captain comes to run and reign on Mother Earth Space Ship Forever! BEAM ON DOWN LORD JESUS!! Beam in our lives everyday--brighter and brighter til we radiate Your love --- brighter and brighter!! Ooh that means we have to be shined some more huh? Oh, oh---hang on for another daily ride. Hang on tight to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit and enjoy the ride.