Why Gen Z May Save the Church In America
The Senate Committee on the Judiciary Hearings room: includes twelve large chairs, a table, computers, cameras, and various people in the courtroom.
Senator Grassley:
So that wraps up things here. We'll vote tomorrow on whether to confirm Judge Brett Kavanaugh thereby appointing him to the Supreme Court of the United States of America. After numerous FBI background checks of Judge Kavanaugh, we are ready to vote. Does anyone have anything to say before this meeting ends?
Senator Feinstein:
Yes, I need to drop this bombshell I've been sitting on for three months: A woman says Brett Kavanaugh attempted to rape her when he was seventeen and she was fifteen; this occurred over thirty-five years ago.
Due to the seriousness of the charge we, the minority party, demand a full investigation. We must be the voice for those unable to speak on their own behalf.
Senator Grassley:
This is highly unusual.
Senator Feinstein:
She, and others like her, want the facts out in the open. She produced a video that explains. Would you like to see it?
Senator Grassley:
By all means, show it.
(Muffled microphone sounds occur while two aides get up from their chairs behind the Senator, and adjust her computer screen. They turn it towards the cameras in the room).
A moment later a video pops up, showing displayed aborted fetus body parts on a board, including a perfectly preserved heart, lungs and eye. A voice discusses specimen prices, “The going rate is a hundred dollars for the heart. The researcher said it has to be intake, which this one is.”
The room erupts and an aide stops the video. Then, as the Senators cover their microphones, Senator Feinstein motions for an older aide to come to her side.
The two aides begin the video again. This video begins with Senate Appropriations Chairperson, Richard Shelby (R, Alabama), describing the new Defense appropriations bill, H.R. 6157.
Senator Shelby:
“This bill marries the Defense spending bill with the HHS-Education appropriations for 2019, including funding for Planned Parenthood and research that uses the fetal tissue from aborted babies...”
A faint voice is heard saying, “We get our money and their so-called pro-life Senators give it to us. Good thing the schmucks don't call in and raise a little hell.”
The video switches again. A woman at a large rally is heard saying, “We will not allow anti-abortion extremists to win. We'll use whatever means necessary to stop that from happening, including blocking court appointments, especially to the Supreme Court. Get your rosaries off our ovaries! We stand with Planned Parenthood--”
Senator Feinstein reaches over and turns the computer screen down, shutting off the video in mid-sentence.
A reporter:
“What was that?”
Another reporter:
“James O'Keefe strikes again.”