Hannah's My Girl
I came across this question a few weeks ago in a book. The book stated that the secret to your life is discerning what God wants to speak through your life.
It’s a different way to think about discernment. Historically, I’ve discerned roles, careers, lifestyles, or relationships, but never truths that God wants to reveal through my life to others.
So, I prayed over and pondered this question one quiet night, and four words came to me:
Secular Holiness
But the greatest of these words, the one that seemed to ring out most clearly, was redemption.
I wasn’t even quite sure what redemption meant, so I looked it up: Deliverance from sin. The act of being redeemed or atoned for a fault or mistake.
No sooner did I see this, but this beautiful song came on by Sara Groves with the following lyrics, as if to confirm the revelation:
We come with beautiful secrets
We come with purposes written on our hearts, written on our souls
We come to every new morning
With possibilities only we can hold, that only we can hold
Redemption comes in strange places, small spaces
Calling out the best of who we are
Wow, did this give me goosebumps. Through this sinful, broken person, God wants to reveal redemption.
I’m a woman who is painfully aware of her faults and I’ve often wondered why God’s given me so many weaknesses to overcome with His grace. It seems like I go to confession constantly as I try to overcome my many flaws, and am always asking for mercy again and again. I’m like the child that keeps falling down and getting back up again, or the stray sheep that keeps straying from the shepherd and being brought back into the pasture.
And maybe that’s what He’s trying to tell through my life. The way of straying and coming back into the arms of the Father again and again. The way of penance. The beauty and constancy of mercy. The perseverence to rid self of sin. The way to redemption. Maybe it’s that simple.
Maybe it was never about my roles, my career, or my lifestyle. Maybe they are just means of personal conversion. Maybe my flaws are part of the story. In fact, maybe they are the whole plot of the story.
So ask yourself, what’s He trying to speak through your life? I pray He reveals it to you and you find the beautiful plot to your own story.