"Pentecost" and the Little Brown Box
A reflection on the Prelude to John’s Gospel
Jn. 1: 1-18
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” On these few words alone we can see, feel, and hope for the peace, solace, and belief referring to the goodness that God ordained for man to share. God’s Grace is given to us not just as an afterthought, but as a gift that no-one should take lightly. We must understand how swiftly and completely the Creator wanted His creatures to share eternal life with Him. These first words in the Prelude set the pattern for this plan of God to share His Life and Love with us.
Take the word grace and you will find myriads of explanations using various thoughts about it. Yet during our spiritual journey we will find without God’s Grace man would never reach the pinnacle of God’s mercy and love. His Grace is real and most certainly affects the soul and has an effect on all who sense its power within.
As we begin a new year (following Advent, Christmas, and with the Baptism of Jesus), let us take seriously the essence of God’s Ever-Lasting Mercy that has no end within the life of each chosen soul. In fact, we are all called and are chosen as we answer the call given to one and all. God wills that all should receive His invitation to serve Him, not as subservients but as heirs to share what no man has ever seen. As Paul put it. “What eye has not seen, and ear has not heard, and what has not entered the human heart, what God has prepared for those who love him, this God has revealed to us through the Spirit.” (I Cor. 2: 9).
Awaiting a new horizon of something no one could ever conceive of is what each has been created to enjoy for all eternity. If the most intellectual minds could ascertain the possibility of the future world to be lived and shared with our Supreme Creator, the Holy Trinity, it would baffle those who would not be able to explain to anyone, including themselves what awaits us. This is the beginning of experiencing what no man can even begin to understand.
What gift, this Christmas, could’ve made us feel so special as the words of the Prelude in John’s Gospel should’ve made each believer in Christ gaze in awe at their real meaning. If one was to take each verse of this poetry and analyze the essence of the beauty within, we would come away with the theme that awaits the words throughout this Gospel and see how it is a Book of unique Signs not found anywhere in the Synoptics.
The Prologue to the Fourth Gospel is one of the most celebrated passages of the New Testament. What the Prologue says about Jesus depends entirely upon what the author wants to say about God’s having been made known in and through Jesus Christ. (Excerpted from Sacra Pagina).
In a reflective moment, sit and reread each line again, and allow the smooth flow of the author’s attempt to sift into your thoughts, and dream if you will as each word permeates within and touches the step by step journey this Gospel opens before you a new view of the walk Jesus puts before us.
This may very well become a Christmas gift you’ll treasure each time you open the pages of the Gospel of John.
Ralph B. Hathaway Christmas 2018