Today was a strong day of testing, as it is when you strive to make Advent a true time of discipline and keeping Jesus alive in your daily walk.
We left the house for just an hour and because we left on the spur of the moment--did not puppy proof our house. My two catahoulas love to seek and find and chew and just have a ball doing so. So we came home to one basket that was chewed to the state of non-usability. One sock found in the laundry basket now needs to be darned--darn it---and thankfully no damage was done to the little stuffed animals that were in the tore up basket set up as Christmas decoration. The puppies were thoroughly scolded and once more, my husband being very angry--pushed the issue of sending the dogs elsewhere for they were 'knotheads who do not listen.' Hmm, reminds me of two humans who have some stubborn traits in them.
But this was all good for what God was doing ---was using those dogs to --do some spiritual cleaning of our attitudes and behaviour that NEED TO CHANGE for sure!! We needed to see what 'knot heads' we were.
Bob's behavior stirred up memories of past anger flareups toward our pets, children and myself when 'we were not behaving, listening or caused some problems at home.' These memories were deep and as they came up---and kept cluttering my brain---I was troubled and very saddened. I was not able to sleep, for no matter how I tried to 'click it off,' it seemed the devil keep wanting to stir the pot.
This morning I woke up still very sad thinking the dogs must go. But getting rid of the source of aggravation does not help you be wiser and mature in wisdom. We talked about how we were being tested; how God was teaching us that we should not respond to ANY irritation, frustrating, aggravating situation in life by being angry and hateful. We had to see the error of our ways and know that we needed to change our reaction to each other and the dogs in a loving way. "Love is patient, love is kind. It is not jealous, [love] is not pompous, it is not inflated, it is not rude, it does not seek its own interests, it is not quick-tempered, it does not brood over injury, it does not rejoice over wrongdoing but rejoices with the truth. It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things after all that ('misbehaving events pass away.' )
After we finished discussing this need to change our attitude/behavior--this comment came out of my mouth---"We can't keep using old WHINE skin, if we want to have Jesus alive in our life. Wow, never saw this wine skin correlation used before--but so true. If you want Jesus' new life living in your heart--the whining, fussing, complaining, pouting childish behavior MUST GO!!
My husband agreed -- hopefully we learned our lesson, will dog proof the house when leaving, and love more than ever before, as we are asked to do to keep PEACE IN OUR HOME. You too?