The Angel Gabriel was sent by God to a virgin named Mary...
Before the angel appears, a representative from Planned Parenthood arrives while Mary is outside her home, sitting on a bench.
“Hello Mary. I am no angel,” the Planned Parenthood representative says, then chuckles. “But, I'm here to tell you that sexual freedom is your right. You can have all the pleasure you want in any form you want, and there are ways to stop that pesky problem of conceiving. We have the tools.” She flashes a round container with birth control pills.
Mary turns her eyes to the ground.
The Planned Parenthood representative continues, “Oh, don't worry. I'm here to enlighten you. I teach in public schools, so girls like you to get the facts. You have free will. Smart girls use these pills to get sexual pleasure like men do. We are equal to them now.”
Mary tries to move away but the representative blocks her with her body.
“Like I said, I'm no angel. I do know what people like. People like sex. People don't like to suffer, or be told what to do. It's our right to do what we want with our bodies. We can be parents or not, and no one wants a bunch of kids to take care of, or to be forced to give up our great jobs because of an unplanned pregnancy. Women get stuck with all that pain in childbirth. The only real way to make sure we live the way we want is to cut out inconveniences. So if our pills and devices don't work, we have abortion on demand. We allow you to be free. We know how to make you happy.”
A woman's voice is overheard. St. Ann calls for Mary. “Where are you?”
“I'm outside,” Mary answers.
The Planned Parenthood representative says, “Don't mention this to your mother. She doesn't understand what it's like for modern girls like you. I understand. I'm here for your benefit.”
Mary tries to flee again. But the woman puts her hand on Mary's shoulder and adds, “You're getting married soon, and we have you covered. We can put a little device inside you called the IUD. You don't have to be a mother if you don't want to be one. It's just a blob of cells anyway. And if you ever want to be a mother and you can't conceive, we can get you fixed up with IVF, and you can even advance science by donating your extra embryos to research. That way you're doing a greater good. No sane woman wants more than one or two children anyway. It's a win-win. Until then, if you find yourself having unprotected sex, we have something called the Morning After Pill.”
Mary--looking at the woman intently--says, “No.”
The woman repeats, “No?"
Mary says, “We are called to do God's holy will, not our own.”
The woman, dumbfounded, says, “I guess I'll talk to the girl next door. Good luck, you're going to need it.”
The Planned Parenthood representative shakes her head, then walks away.
Mary prays aloud, “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”
A strong fragrance of roses flows over the patio, and a wind blows the curtains in the open window.
A long time ago I thought I was a writer. Because my parents were practical, I went into teaching. About eight years ago, I began to write again. So here I am.
I hold a B.S. degree in Elementary Education from Penn State University (University Park). I enjoy gardening, reading, Pittsburgh sports, and cooking, but not in that order. My regular job is being a wife and mother.