Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.
Ephesians 5:15-16
We are living in very strange days. News travels instantly. We know of many wrongs committed on the other side of the world within days. Technology can be a blessing because we can use the knowledge we gain to pray for and help people.
But technology can also be a curse. It can muddy the waters of our circle of authority which can cause feelings of hopelessness and rage. Satan will feed on the rage. Satan will use the rage against you to convince you of your
We all have authority given to us by God. It is our domain. The devil stole our domain in the garden. He constantly tries to steal it today by tempting us to sin. People give their domain away all the time. They give it to the devil by sinning. Sometimes they try to give it to you when they don’t know how to handle something. Counselors would call this a boundary issue. I call it a domain issue. Stay within your circle of authority and your life becomes more manageable and less anxiety filled.
For most of us our domain is ourselves, our homes, our spouses, our children, and our work. When we step beyond this area, where we actually have God given authority, we can get ourselves in trouble. This is because we actually end up taking on demons that aren’t ours to take on. And then suddenly we find ourselves out of control.
Facebook is a MASTER at stealing domain. Suddenly we have access to people, places and things that are WAY OUTSIDE our normal circle. And then when a conversation spirals out of control, then up a clock tower we go with rage.
For every interaction we have, we should be asking God and ourselves, what is actually under my control in this situation? 9 times out of 10 none of it is, except for the fact that we can pray. That is in our control. This lack of control makes us react in strange ways. Mostly I see anger, rage, emotional exhaustion and tunnel vision.
As time moves forward and the world gets more and more in a frenzy it is important to stay within your area of authority that God has given you. People have sometimes asked me to speak for them or act for them. I do not feel guilty saying no. What they want me to speak or act about doesn’t fall under my domain. And if I speak for them I take on their demons. And life gets a lot harder.
Pray always. Know where your authority lies. Exert your authority with love. Deal with the people right in front of you and not beyond that. If you go beyond that you will burn out with exhaustion or be filled with fury. I see many people withdrawing from social media now. They have taken on too many demons not their own. When this happens it is actually wise to remove yourself.
In the coming days Satan is going to try everything, and I mean everything in his power to take that domain and have you reacting instead of consciously acting in the will of the Father. Be awake and aware. Do not fall asleep.
But if any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God who gives to all generously and ungrudgingly, and he will be given it. James 1:5