Knowing God; Growing in his Love!
Genetic Engineering or Gene Editing as a column in today’s Post-Gazette called it. (Monday, December 17, 2018). This was an editorial from Bloomberg Opinion and it hints at what many scientists and others might be seeking to change the future using embryonic gene-editing.
If I remember, isn’t that what Hitler had in mind when he wished to develop a Master Race using measures known as “racial hygiene”? To begin, he had 6 million jews and others exterminated in order to make room for a new race of Arians. He died in a tragic manner never seeing his failure. This was an effort to go beyond God’s Plan of a future Kingdom and finding a way to become a god in his own right. Reaching for things beyond the human mind will ultimately fail, without God.
From Genesis, (11: 5 ff) “The Lord came down to see the tower that men had built. Then the Lord said: “If now, while they are one people, all speaking the same language, they have started to do this, nothing will stop them from doing whatever they presume to do.” Not satisfied with what God has already provided them with, the people wanted to create an urban culture apart from God. Another segment of humanity trying to get beyond their creator and establish a world without seeking God, first.
What was it the serpent told Eve? (Gen. 3: 1a ff) “Did God really tell you not to eat from any of the trees in the garden? We may eat of the trees in the garden, it is only about the fruit of the tree in the middle of the garden that God said You shall not eat it or even touch it, lest you die.” But the serpent said to the woman: “You certainly will not die! No, God knows well that the moment you eat of it your eyes will be opened and you will be like gods who know what is good and what is bad.” Perhaps the very first incident that shows the trickery Satan uses to entice the human mind to seek for unseen pleasures, wealth, and most of all pride in becoming more than what our lives promise at times.
Look for treasures at any cost, reach for the sky no matter who gets hurt, and eliminate any obstacle in your way to find your dream, especially if you won’t seek God’s plan for your life. The thought of so many who venture forth not only forgetting God, but attempting to become gods in their own right.
Suppose for a moment that gene-editing became a reality, and there are those who are earnest in making this happen; Where would the great compositions from the masters be if because of many maladies they wouldn’t have been around due to genetic-editing?
Where would Helen Keller have been? A woman who could neither see nor hear yet her spiritual guidance has astonished millions. Yet, if she were alive now with this present-day scientific thinking or diminishing the unknown gifts of so many and destroying human life in its most complex existence, we would have lost forever God’s great gifts for humanity. How about Beethoven, Mozart, and Handel to name a few who struggled with many setbacks before, during, and afterwards of their greatness. Had gene-editing or gene engineering been around the world would never had even heard of them let alone enjoyed their God-given talents.
Then there are how many care-givers who may never be heard of. Their tireless efforts of caring for those whose needs cry out for help. The suffering has created a path for the care-givers to find grace by lifting the cross of those who suffer. What a beautiful thing it is to find persons who care for others, never seeing their own names in lights for what they do. Only God knows and holds his Divine arms around each one who says; “I care”.
This too, is a blessing when those who are needy and their mentors’ of compassion have an opportunity to show love. But, to put it more into perspective, if gene-editing gets its grip on these souls, the care for the most needy will never occur. It will become like the Tower of Babel; reaching for heights that are not theirs to have, and all without God.
Gene-editing or genetic engineering will become the most efficient manner in destroying life that God has allowed us to share with. It will be like the third Reich that surely will collapse.
In eternity, there is Heaven and Hell. Given their desire to create a perfect society, with no blindness, deafness, cancer, and multitudes of maladies, these scientists will create a third part of eternity which will house them forever without the presence of Almighty God, while sending the ones they want to eliminate to a Glory with God forever.
Ralph B. Hathaway December 2018