Resolution Time

New Year, new you, or so the slogan went. But what would a Catholic new you look like? I think it would be a lot harder than losing ten pounds, or saving money rather than spending it. To be a better Catholic would take a great deal of faith, hope, and love.
The ultimate goal of every believer must be to find out God's Will and to do it. This is very difficult as St. John Paul II once said. If we really want to be a better Catholic we would have to do a thorough self-examination.
It would take a careful study of our weaknesses. For example:
Some of us would confess a weakness when it came to saying no to food or alcohol or gossip. Others may admit swear words make up over fifty percent of our vocabulary. Some of us may use God's name in vain a lot. Others might take things from work without permission, or copy music without paying for it. Some more of us might watch dirty movies or even porn.
Some of us might have a girlfriend or boyfriend who wants our bodies without the piece of paper called a marriage license and we oblige.
Many of us might like the freedom of using birth control because we can't be expected to go without pleasure and we don't want more kids. Some of us think abortion is okay if needed.
Some of us want a baby so badly we use artificial means to get pregnant and don't think about what we'll do with extra embryos, or perhaps we think it's better to harvest them in order to cure a dreaded disease.
Others think dying when we choose to, rather than letting God decide, is a good idea.
Many of us want to be loved, and if our spouses are not responding the way we need them to, or if they have something hard to deal with we'll leave, and we marry again.
Sometimes we hate people who have a better house, or job, or life. Or if lying helps us to get what we want, we lie.
Basically, when we find the easy button, we push it.
All these examples are sins. God never wills sin. Seeking self-improvement means examining our souls, confessing our weaknesses, and resolving to go and sin no more.
Happy New Soul Year!
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