Hope and Healing After Abortion: God's Mercy Endures Forever
“See what love the Father has bestowed on us that we may be called the children of God.” Jn 3:1
Have you noticed the trend on popular television shows to refer to the “universe” as if it were God? Those who do not yet know God prefer to see the mysterious, magnificent, and seemingly limitless universe as their guiding force instead of a God who chose to become one of us.
Deeming it ridiculous to believe in a God who would stoop to become like us, they dismiss God as a fairy tale while repeating the ancient mistake of worshiping creation instead of the Creator. Their imagination is too small and their pride too big to take in the reality that our God, the Lord of the universe, chose to enter into human history as a tiny, helpless baby, born to a human mother, watched over by a human father. They refuse to believe that God chose to experience cold, hunger, joy, sorrow, suffering and death, to pay our debt and redeem our lives.
As marvelous as the universe is, it has no power to guide us. Like the star of Bethlehem, the stars and the heavens merely point us toward God. God Himself is our guide. On earth, He gave us families to form us, parents to teach us, and His example to follow.
This is the true marvel of God: every child, helpless and vulnerable, born to the humblest family, is created in His image. By coming to us as a little child, born into a family, obedient to a mother and father, God sanctified the family and made it holy.
Because of this, each family, no matter how poor, humble, rich, or dysfunctional, is called to become holy. Because of the unexpected Christmas gift that our merciful Lord gave us in becoming man, the humblest family contains more mystery and marvel than the entire cosmos.
God is not a cold, distant, unfeeling, unthinking “universe.” God is a Father, and He has made us His own adopted children. What a miracle of love! What a mystery, and what mercy He has shown us. Bigger than the universe, more mysterious than the cosmos, and more beautiful than the starry skies is His love for us!
Link to the Complete Readings for the Feast of the Holy Family, Dec. 30, 2018