Capital Punishment - Condemnation to Hopelessness
Nothing seems to rile people up more than stating you don’t like a song. That fact demonstrated so remarkably on this very website certainly drives home just how superficially so many embrace the Faith and just how ignorant most of us our about the Faith as well.
It is amazing how emotionally charged so many become in defense of a song that defies our Faith and embraces heresy and deception.
It really isn’t “just a song”, it is more about being lukewarm and trivializing Dogmas and Truths that lie at the very heart of who Jesus is and how we come to be saved. The eagerness and passion that so many of us demonstrate in the denial and betrayal of these basic Truths, I would suggest, could jeopardize salvation in many cases. This rejection of Truth isn’t just present in songs, but everywhere in our world, and our failure to recognize and call it out, is wrong and willfully disregards charity.
It seems to be so difficult for us to break free of the cycle of being self-absorbed and so emotionally driven and obsessed with everything. We are so desperate to feed our passions and desires. This sentimentalism with our faith is demonstrated in our embracement of anything that denies the divinity of Christ and some of the most basic Dogmas and Teachings of the Church. We can’t continue to blindly accept what the world teaches as "truth" just because it feeds our desires and temporal needs. We must ask for the wisdom to discern what is evil and what is not, because Satan cloaks evil in what appears to be good.
Hardly a day goes by that I don’t see on social media someone lamenting their grief and sorrow by proclaiming a loved one whose created status has now changed to angelic instead of human. “Heaven has gained another angel. “ We do this so freely and nonchalantly. Like the very Truth of this doesn’t matter, but it does! It goes to the heart of what we are as created beings, how God made us and for what God made us for. It trivialized God's whole created plan and it again trivializes the humanity of Christ. Christ did not take on an angelic nature, he took on a Human one! The ignorance of the most basic Truth of our Faith is astounding!
We canonize our dearly departed at funeral Masses instead of imploring all for prayers for their hopeful transition into Heaven. We totally negate the need of prayers for those in Purgatory. We assume that everyone automatically goes to Heaven, just because they died. The quality of their lives and the choices they made are ignored and trivialized in an effort to feed an emotional state that a deeper more rational understanding and knowledge of Faith could sooth and heal. We negate that life has any meaning or purpose at all when we do this! What's worse is when our Faithful Clergy try to educate us on these matter, they are attacked and thier ministry threatened. It’s crazy.
I was accused of over analyzing a secular song. Well, I really don’t think there is such a thing. God after all gave us an intellect, He gave us the ability to reason. An ability and gift that separates us from all other creatures on this Earth. It is our intellect that has been made in the image and likeness of God, not our emotion. The Devil has been very effective at elevating the importance of emotion in everything that we do. We have become Catholics that defy the Dogmas and Teachings of the Church regrading non-negotiable issues, preferring instead to take our cue from the media and secular society, from those fallen away from the True Authority of such Doctrine. After all, it is much easier and pleasurable to accept the World's way. Why not skew it to align with what we want, and what feeds our emotions and provides us with a false sense of happiness and fulfullment. I hate that this falsehood of Truth that Satan proclaims is jeopardizing so many from salvation and eternal life with the Lord. It also denies true joy and happiness in this life. Heresy that justifies evil deeds like homosexuality, divorce and remarriage, abortion, same sex marriage, co-habitation before marriage, I could go on and on, cannot be ignored if we are to bring the Kingdom of God to all. The acceptance and even glorifiation of such evil doesn't just jeopardize happiness and fruitfulness in this life but the life to come as well. That is why it doesn't bother me to be attacked and ridiculed, even by those who preach tolerance and the “virtue” of being non-judgmental, which is a topic for another article. I know that Truth is difficult and unbearable for many.
My job is not to convince but to simply inform. Just like Saint Bernadette. Truth will always be met with ridicule and rejection, just look at the Cross of Christ, nothing demonstrates that more. If my cross is sustaining hateful and nasty comments on a Facebook and a website feed, I am getting off pretty easy.
Happy New Year everyone, maybe a good resolution would be to grow in knowledge of our Faith and Truth instead of sentimentalism and secularism.