I am Catholic - Here's What I Believe
"This is the day that the Lord has made."
Waking up everyday---sometimes I have to be reminded of this fact. This is the day that the LORD has made for me!
Let us see what is in it.
The sun is still there, bringing it's life giving light, warmth and reassuring presence of the Presence of God's faithfulness and steadfast love.
There is the air--it's there too. Thank God!! Bringing to our lungs, life giving oxygen and taking out the trash of the carbon dioxide too that would essentially destroy us if it had not been for the perfect design of the Creator who knew what He was doing in creating the body we have.
So, we had to look what is here today, the human body. So complex, so complete, so ready to steadily continue with what was not even stopped as we slept.
Which brings to mind---our mind and the fact that it too is still functioning one nerve impulse at a time, Billions of nerve impulses are constantly moving at the speed of 390 feet per second. How mind boggling is that!!
By this time every morning we have gone through our rituals of yawning, stretching, slowing moving about---doing all the daily rituals of waking up---NOT once thinking this truth!! This is the day that the Lord has made!! LET US BE GLAD AND REJOICE in it!! Why? For the basic fact that all we need is being provided for us constantly every second of every day---by God's perfect design and in His great love for us!! Celebrate everyday---for every day brings us new life and the opportunity to begin again be glad and full of joy.
Oh sure if you look, there is much to be sad, angry, frustrated and aggravated about--but we have a choice don't we? Oh the next reason to be happy---we have a choice---the freedom to choose what we think and how we go forth to live our life. Thank you God for that free will that allows us to know love and to give love.
Do I need to go on with why this and every day is a day that the Lord has made? Do we even think that we as humans can to better to make a day that has all that is in the one made by the all knowing and loving Father God of ours? He did good, didn't He?