Finding God in Our Imperfections
The cries of the heart. Our hearts bleed for what they desire and yearn for. Often the cry of my heart is placed right in front of me and yet out of reach.
For me, it's...
People embracing in my midst when I am starving for touch to comfort my pain.
The absence of deep, enduring companionship that lasts.
Gifts and passion to minister, with an inability to use them in the way I want to for God's glory.
Why does God awaken in us these desires and struggles of the heart? These cries of yearning that can't be fulfilled? Sometimes, I feel brought to beg for what I yearn for.
And even when I beg, almost always, I don't receive.
Like most, I can hardly stand these cries of the heart that go unfulfilled. I want to run from the God who isn't filling me. I grasp for anything to fill this painful void. I grasp and keep grasping. I cry out again and again to the God who feels so absent during these moments of want.
Feed me God.
Quench this insatiable thirst.
Touch me. Hold me.
Loosen my grip.
Fill this void.
Hear the cry of my heart.
Do not forsake me.