A Love Affair with Moloch
I don't usually suggest company boycotts. It often seems like a pointless venture. In this case, though... I was thoroughly disgusted the other day with a product I happened upon on Groupon's website. I read the description twice--just to make sure--and my jaw dropped. Gross doesn't even do it justice. Now, I'm no prude, but this particular item for sale on their site was degrading--to both men and women. I've shopped Groupon many times over the years, and I've only been happy with the product purchased once or twice. More importantly, though, I've never seen any age restriction associated with shopping their site online. How many kids are browsing these pages?
Of course, the reason for Groupon's move to carry adult products is clear. Just look at the number of sales next many of the items. It's clearly a big moneymaker. If you don't believe me as to the depth Groupon has sunk, do a search for "sex" on the site, then try not to lose your lunch. There's enough depravity in society at large to work its way into every facet of our lives, if we're not vigilant. Why take a stand against this particular player at this particular time? Maybe they've been selling this junk for years, and we never noticed. Perhaps almost no one cares anymore. We're all so inured to the daily spiritual gauntlet we run, does it matter that one more company is lowering the bar just a little more?
Well, I tend to think Groupon might be salvageable, if people of faith stand up and make their voices heard. Let's let Groupon know what we think of their descent, and maybe they will return to being a more family-friendly online retailer.
What can I do?
Good question! Chances are most of us have made at least one purchase on Groupon in the past. While Groupon doesn't let you close your account per se, they do let you unsubscribe from all e-mails as well as remove your saved credit card information. I suggest you log-in, head to your account page, and make these changes. Next, I suggest you write one, or both, of the people identified below. Let them know how important this issue is to you and how upset it makes you feel. Promise to not buy anything else through Groupon until these items are no longer promoted on their site. After all, if some sick individual wants to buy this kind of garbage, there are plenty of places to go. This kind of merchandise devalues human life, disrespects relationships, and turns people into objects which exist only for the satisfaction of others. It contributes to the societal decay we see all around us, and it promotes an industry that preys upon the young and the vulnerable. I say that it's time to put our collective foot down and boycott this company. What say you?
Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Philippians 4:8
Two Groupon Contacts:
Dane Drobny, Executive, ddrobny@groupon.com .
Rich Williams, SVP, richw@groupon.com