Our Call Post-Ascension: To Be Jesus' Arms
For many years I've struggled with turning to God during desolation, temptation or trial. Most people do, I'm finding. In fact, many times, I've mistakenly turned the opposite way - to something I thought would fill the need or console me. Usually, it was a poor alternative. Inevitably, I'd find myself spiraling into a lack of peace, and then asking for mercy because I hadn't turned to God.
I chose the wrong direction. Constantly.
Lately, God's working on this aspect of my relationship with Him, and what's fascinating is how He's using my gifts in the process.
One day, I was talking to God about this problem and reflecting on possible solutions, and He gave me an idea that first emerged through someone I was coaching: Whenever you are facing stress, despair, fear, trial or temptation, turn to Me and write about it.
Interesting. God wants me to use my writing gift and talent for written self-expression to overcome my problem, and be a gift to others in the process. And He gave me the solution while exercising another gift: coaching and mentoring someone.
I've tried this tactic a few times and so far it's been pretty effective. When I'm struggling with desolation of some sort, temptation or a negative emotion, I start typing or journaling. It usually becomes a prayer, and sometimes when I make it a public post, it becomes a gift for someone else to connect with and find comfort or solidarity.
This is not the first time that one of my gifts has played a role in solving a problem of faith.
I'm learning more and more that our gifts carry surprising healing in them, not only impacting others around us, but helping us to come alive, overcome our weaknesses, and grow closer to God.
So take a look at your problems, then take a look at your gifts, because therein may lie your solution.