Celebrating the Thunderstorm!!
Somewhere just recently, I read an article talking about events of the world and how we were being ‘flooded with evil.’ Yeah, no duh! Read any headline, listen to any newscast, and you cannot argue with that. Then you might also listen to the weather reports, the financial reports, the ‘media chewing all the bones they can and you KNOW we are being flooded with a great many types of tsunamis.
Going down deeper into this abyss of ‘water’ we find underlying riptides towing many out without warning. Television programs and movies, video games and ads that pull us into thinking we have to have more, and we are entitled to more! All pulling us in and covering us up with worldly waves, dragging us into the darkest sinkhole.
The worst of the ‘water disasters’ though is the spiritual apathy that has caused the waters within to stagnate and stink. Leaving our spirit dead as we fail to notice all that is happening around us. The flooding has already started and is getting worse and just as in the days of Noah—you will be taken by surprise with the eventual downpour of worldly evil comes.
That is why, days before Lent—the words “time to build an Ark again” came into my heart.
So I went back to the days of Noah and the instructions given to him and looked to see if God was giving some instructions on what to do to build the ARK that I needed in my life. I knew He was referring to a ‘spiritual ark’ and knew the Scripture would give some clues.
Number one: God is a God of details, so always pay attention to the details He always gives when it comes to any directions He sends. The Ark was three levels with a roof. I am composed of three ‘levels’ so to speak—Body, Mind and Soul. So I knew that my body or frame needed to be built strong so that I would not weaken when temptation came. Fasting, denying of self and the ego-- all play into building up the upper levels.
My Mind too, needed to be sound with the teachings of the Word of God and the Church. So make sure that I am into that Bible daily, and attend some classes too, as others have been trained and we need those mentors to help us grow in our spiritual journey. A good retreat here would bring in the extra “hands” to build this Ark of ours.
Then there is the Soul or the Spirit—the third story—highest to the roof or ‘protective covering of God’s grace mercy and love. AH yes—attendance to Mass, receiving the Sacraments, increasing my time alone with God in Prayer—well there are many ways that we can NAIL that roof onto the top level of our Ark, many, just use your imagination. It is crucial too that you build this Ark big enough for all those you love to be included, spiritually, so that they will know where to come when their worlds start to be undulated with the floods of life. Prepare ahead that attitude of yours. They will know where to come when they see your calmness, your peace and your welcomed arms of love—saying ‘everything's gonna be okay. Get on board.’ Which means that now a part of your Welcome Mat means you Love with ‘no condemnation, no opinionating,
no frustration, no ifs, buts, or "I told you so" invitations to come back home. Accept all where they are, and leave the rest to God and His loving mercy.
Get going now—no time to lose. Time to build that Ark again.